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Presenting carbonn Cities Climate Registry

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1 Presenting carbonn Cities Climate Registry
Yunus Arikan Manager Cities Climate Center ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

2 Local vs Global Climate Action
Verified local climate action with enhanced access to global climate funds Level of complexity and integration The Mexico City Pact carbonn Cities Climate Registry Measurable Reportable Verifiable Climate Action Copenhagen Catalogue Copenhagen Accord Roadmap Bali Action Plan WMCCC, C40, UCLG Kyoto Protocol Voluntary (CCP, etc) UNFCCC Local 1990 Global 2005 2007 2009 2010 2012

3 Selected Mechanisms for Measurable Reportable Verifiable Action
National Governments Corporates National/Regional initiatives of/for local governments Global initiative of Local Governments

4 World Mayors Summit on Climate 21 November 2010, Mexico City

5 World Mayors Summit on Climate 21 November 2010, Mexico City
- Signing of the Mexico City Pact - Launching carbonn Cities Climate Registry - Meetings with scientific community, business and civil society

6 The Mexico City Pact 1. Reduce our local greenhouse gas emissions voluntarily 2. Adopt and implement local climate mitigation measures designed to achieve our voluntary reduction targets 3. Develop local adaptation strategies to address the local impact of climate change 4. Register our emission inventories, commitments, climate mitigation and adaptation measures and actions in a measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV) manner 5. Seek the creation of mechanisms that allow direct access to international funding for local climate actions 6. Establish a Mexico City Pact Secretariat 7. Promote the involvement of civil society in the fight against climate change 8. Advocate and seek partnerships with multilateral institutions and national governments on our local climate actions 9. Promote partnerships and city-to-city cooperation 10. Spread

7 The Mexico City Pact Article.4
4. Register our emission inventories, commitments, climate mitigation and adaptation measures and actions in a measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV) manner With a view to launch and follow-up on our commitments, we will enter our climate actions in the carbonn Cities Climate Registry. Acknowledging our common but differentiated responsibilities in responding to climate change, we agree to make our actions transparent and provide regular information and data so that our efforts can be measured, reported and verified.

8 Carbonn Cities Climate Registry
a mechanism that encourages local governments to regularly disclose public level information on, climate commitments, GHG emissions inventories, mitigation/adaptation actions

9 Carbonn Cities Climate Registry is:
- based on the experience of voluntary local climate action dispersed globally, - inspired by the vision of Local Government Climate Roadmap - built upon the success of the Copenhagen World Catalogue of Local Climate Commitments - guided by the provisions of International Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocol (IEAP) - linked to the enhanced global climate action now, up to and beyond 2012

10 ; the engine of cCCR

11 Reporting infrastructure
- Climate Reduction Commitments Government and/or community level Absolute or Business-As-Usual CO2, CO2eq, Carbon Intensity, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency - GHG Emissions Performance: Guided by the International Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocol (IEAP) Prepared for Government and Community sectors Basic, Intermediate and Advanced level of reporting - Climate Actions: Mitigation; buildings, facilities, transport, waste and other areas Adaptation; water, coast, land management, health, agriculture-food Status; Completed, In Progress, Search for Funding Fields; awareness raising, capacity building, legislation, technology investment Finance; municipal, subnational, national, ODA and Climate Funds

12 Carbonn Cities Climate Registry
Group - A Cities that: Express willingness to disclose information on commitments, emissions and actions (Signatories pursuant to Art. 4 of the Mexico City Pact) Group - B Cities that: Sign the Mexico City Pact and start reporting commitments, emissions and actions through carbonn Carbonn Cities Climate Index that: will feature reports from Group-B Cities and rank the performance of leading cities

13 Carbonn Cities Climate Registry

14 CCCR Approach for Accounting and Reporting of Local GHG Emissions
- builds upon IEAP by - consolidating accounting principles of local government and local community GHG emissions to ensure consistency with 2006 Guidelines of IPCC, - introducing a harmonized approach for reporting of local government and local community GHG emissions. - aims to contribute on the drafting of a new ISO International Standard through ISO working group ISO/TC 207/SC 07/WG 03. As such, the cCCR approach aims to provide additional input on “ISO/PDTR Greenhouse gases ― Quantification and reporting of GHG emissions for organizations ― Guidance for the application of ISO , Proposal for an annex on GHG accounting and reporting of local authorities”.

15 CCCR Approach for Accounting and Reporting of Local GHG Emissions
- Local Government and Community GHG Emissions Profile - key sectors for informed decisions and actions at the local level - main grouping as g energy related and other GHG emissions - key indicators for government and community GHG emissions - 3 Reporting Levels for GHG Emissions Profile - based on combined/separated data - reference to Scope1/2/3 for each sector

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