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Chris Opit  Mattias Wiklund

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Opit  Mattias Wiklund"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Opit  Mattias Wiklund
Enhanced Management Information Systems to Support Public Health Commodity Security for Improved Health Outcomes ICT4D Conference May 2017 Chris Opit  Mattias Wiklund

2 Outline Overview and Country Implementations (Chris Opit)
Introduction to OpenLMIS and Community Guiding Principles and Software Development Implementations Benefits Accrued Integration and Development Roadmap (Mattias Wiklund) Integration points and samples Case Study: Tanzania Theory and Reality RMNCH Dashboard: Combining HMIS and LMIS data in Tanzania OpenLMIS Roadmap and Features

3 What is OpenLMIS? An open source, web-enabled, enterprise class electronic logistics management information system (LMIS) purpose-built to manage health commodity supply chains The OpenLMIS initiative incorporates a community-focused approach to develop open source and customizable LMIS systems

4 The OpenLMIS Community

5 Guiding Principles Fig 1: Infographic on Principles for Digital Development: From Maiko Nakagaki, CIPE (3 October, 2016),

6 Unveiling OpenLMIS version 3
A migration to a micro services architecture Bundles separate, standalone, deployable ‘services’ supporting different supply chain workflows Flexible and extensible Facilitates adoption and customization of select services to fit country needs Enables specialized community teams to maintain and contribute code to specific services Quicker implementation of enhancements and bug fixes

7 Implementations OpenLMIS has been implemented in 6 countries/geographies, with two additional deployments planned in July 2017 Benin (2015), Côte d’Ivoire (2015), Mozambique (2014) , Tanzania (2013), Zanzibar (2014), Zambia (2014) Guinea and Malawi – Rollout in 2017 Prospective implementations Cameroon, Liberia, Senegal


9 Tanzania and Zambia Implementations
Management of more than 1000 medicines and supplies Supports more than 2500 health facilities in Zambia and more than 6000 in Tanzania In Zambia Facility Edition District Module Hub Module Central Edition In Tanzania

10 Tanzania Implementation
Share and Review Reports instant paper Review changes Send R&R eLMIS for Incorrect Order District Send and Review Reports eLMIS Send R&R E9 LMU/Zone ILS Gateway Data ILS Gateway Data 1 Health Facilities District Delivery Proof of Delivery notification Central/MOH accesses ILS Gateway and eLMIS data instantly. Deliver Consignment instant Zone Deliver Deliver Consignment 2 eLMIS / ILSG Central / MOH

11 Benefits Rolled out at national scale
Accessible to all stakeholders of the supply chain A source of data for forecasting and quantification Data entry burden is distributed away from the central warehouse Easy adoption and sustainability through strategic capacity building Reduced stock outs and wastage = improved service delivery and cost savings

12 Zambia Data Entry Workload Distribution

13 Integration & Interoperability
Introduction Integration points and samples Case Study Tanzania Theory Reality RMNCH Dashboard: Combining HMIS and LMIS data in Tanzania

14 Integration & Interoperability
Zambia EMR/SmartCare Zambia MACS Tanzania EPICOR9, mSupply Mozambique ESMS (front-end client) Tanzania CommTrack TZ HMIS/LMIS dashboard

15 Motivation: The theory behind combining HMIS & LMIS data
Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) Data needed to operate a supply chain. Health products data (quantities consumed, SOH, losses and adjustments.) Improved supply chain performance, improved service delivery, better data, and enhanced communication. Integrated HMIS/LMIS Dashboard Health Management Information System (HMIS) Program information Disease incidence, client/patient information, and health services rendered. Track disease patterns and health service utilization.

16 Motivation: The reality of combining HMIS & LMIS data
Few example countries where routinely implemented United Nations Commission on Life-Saving Commodities Whitepaper Integration tests in Tanzania and Senegal Tanzania and Senegal RMNCH Dashboards Document the real-world experiences, considerations and lessons learned to assist deployments in other countries.

17 RMNCH Dashboard: Combining HMIS and LMIS Data in Tanzania

18 System requirements and considerations
Manual matching of facility lists Database and software updates to enable data sharing Interim solution: scheduled one-to-one data exchange Next steps in Tanzania: Health Information Mediator

19 User Requirements User requirements
Requirements gathering workshop with stakeholders Research and interviews to refine user requirements Generated mockups and collected feedback Iteratively developed multiple versions of dashboard, incorporating feedback

20 Data Mapping Mapping LMIS products to client service data reported through HMIS forms Family Planning Female Condoms Implants Emergency Contraceptive Maternal Health Oxytocin Misoprostol Magnesium sulphate Injectable antibiotics Newborn Health Antenatal corticosteroids Resuscitation devices Child Health Amoxicillin Oral rehydration Zinc sulphate Infection Prevention Chlorhexidine antiseptic

21 Comparison of Data LMIS data compared with service data (sample dashboard graph with sample data)

22 Lessons Learned Mitigation & Recommendations
Challenges & Lessons Learned Reporting period mismatch Facility/product list matching/synchronization Data interpretation Mitigation & Recommendations Calculated month Updates to reporting period Matched lists manually and developing maintenance SOP Integration of all systems with Master Health Facility List Mapping of service and commodity Updates to HMIS form In-depth analysis to establish red/yellow/green thresholds

23 Version 3 Roadmap Modular Framework Requisitions System Administration
Mar 2017 June 2017 Aug 2017 Nov 2017 Requisitions Modular Framework Vaccine Feature Set Stock Management Reporting/Analytics (ongoing deployments) System Administration Ad-hoc Program Data Collection 3.2 3.3 3.0 3.1

24 Version 3 Features and Functionality
Requisitions Offline capable Complex approval hierarchies Stock Management Electronic stock cards Physical inventory Track ins/outs BI tool support (ex. Tableau) for data visualization GTIN tracking / GS1 compliant Vaccine Feature Set CCE management Demand calculation Mixed supply chain

25 Thank You Chris Opit: copit@zm. jsi. com Mattias Wiklund: mwiklund@jsi
Thank You Chris Opit: Mattias Wiklund: For additional information:

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