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Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

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1 Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism
The “MAIN” Causes of WW1 Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

2 Militarism 1. Germany was competing with Britain to build battleships.
The British feared an attack on their Empire

3 Militarism 2. Germany was competing with Russia and France to expand their armies

4 Imperialism All the great powers were competing for colonies / territory. The British feared Germany in Africa. The Austrians feared Serbia / Russia in the Balkans

5 Nationalism This was an age when all nations wanted to establish their power and independence. Example: In the Balkans, Slavs, aided by Serbia and Russia, wanted to be free of Austrian rule. Serbia’s national flag

6 By 1914 all the major powers were linked by a system of alliances.

7 Alliances 2. Definition – an agreement between countries to work together. The alliances made it more likely that a war would start. Once started, the alliances made it more likely to spread.

8 Alliances 3.

9 Alliances 4. Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Triple Entente between France, Russia, and Britain

10 Alliances 5. Russia and Serbia - Both of them were Slavic peoples. Due to nationalism they stick together. Britain and Belgium Britain will protect Belgium if it is ever attacked. Because this threatens Britain’s safety

11 Belgium is too close!

12 Germany’s War Plan 1. Germany feared an attack on two fronts

13 Germany’s War Plan 2.

14 Germany’s War Plan 3. War plan for the Germans was called the Schlieffen War Plan Assumed that Russia would take 6 weeks to get ready for war. For those 6 weeks focus all Germany’s army on destroying France Enter in through Belgium

15 Germany’s War Plan 4.

16 The Balloon Pops! 1. June : Serb student Gavrilo Princip shoots Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife July : Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

17 The Balloon Pops! 2. July : Due to its Alliance, Russia declares war on Austria August : Due to its Alliance, Germany declares war on Russia

18 The Balloon Pops! 3. August : Due to its war plan, Germany declares war on France August : Following the Schlieffen Plan Germany invades Belgium

19 The Balloon Pops! 6. August : Due to its Alliance, Britain declares war on Germany August : Due to its Alliance, Austria declared war on Russia

20 The Balloon Pops! 6. August : Due to their Alliance, France and Britain declare war on Austria. May 1915 Italy enters the war on the Entente side.

21 Central Powers vs. The Allies

22 WWI HAS BEGUN! The Balloon Popped!
Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

23 Central Powers vs. The Allies

24 Serbia Wants Bosnia which is controlled by Austria

25 Background Info Bosnia is controlled by Austria-Hungary
Serbia, feels they should control Bosnia since they are of the same ethnic group. June 28 is Serbia’s independence day.

26 Gavrilo Princip

27 Archduke and his wife arriving in Sarajevo

28 Parade Route of Death!

29 Archduke Francis Ferdinand

30 Ferdinand out for a walk that day

31 Leaving City Hall


33 Princip being taken into custody

34 Princip being taken into custody

35 The Car

36 The Jacket that Ferdinand was wearing

37 WHO/WHAT Gavrilo Princip ( a member of the terrorist association “Black Hand” assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand and Sophie Ferdinand

38 WHEN June 28, 1914

39 WHERE Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia

40 WHY Serbia’s “Black Hand”, was angry that Austrian Archduke Ferdinand visited the capital city (Sarajevo) of the country Serbia felt should be theirs.

41 Result This assassination was the event the tiny event that popped the pressure filled balloon that was Europe. This assassination started WWI.

42 FRANCE I have a long border with Germany on the eastern side of my country. This makes me vulnerable to attack. Which country am I?

43 RUSSIA I have a border with Germany and Austria-Hungary. I am worried I will have to fight them both. Which country am I?

44 Britain I don't trust Germany. It is trying to get an empire overseas and trying to compete with my navy. Which country am I?

45 GERMANY I am worried about having to fight a two front war. Which country am I?

46 Austria-Hungary I don’t like the Serbians; I want to rule them. Which country am I?

47 Austria-Hungary I am threatened by Nationalism. So threatened, that it actually split me into two separate countries. Which country am I?

48 GERMANY I developed the Schlieffen Plan. Which country am I?

49 BRITAIN I promised to defend Belgium if it ever got attacked. Which country am I?

50 RUSSIA I want to protect Serbia from Austria-Hungary because I am made up of Slavs just like them. Which country am I?

51 FRANCE Germany attacked me once in the Franco-Prussian War. It was a humiliating defeat and I want revenge. Which country am I?

52 Austria-Hungary I am closely allied with Germany because we are both Germanic peoples. Which Country am I?

53 Germany I have very close ties to Austria-Hungary because we are both Germanic peoples. Which country am I?

54 BRITAIN I had the most powerful navy in the world and then Germany threatened me by starting to build its own navy. Which country am I?

55 RUSSIA I believe in Pan-Slavism. Which country am I?

56 FRANCE I want back Alsace and Lorraine that Germany stole from me. Which country am I?

57 BRITAIN I went to war when Belgium was attacked. Which country am I?

58 GERMANY My plan was to attack France first and then deal with Russia. Which country am I?

59 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY The person who was going to be my next king, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, was assassinated on June 28, Which country am I?

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