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The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

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1 The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Class 2: The Applications of IIoT June 24, 2014 Charles J. Lord, PE President, Consultant, Trainer Blue Ridge Advanced Design and Automation

2 This Week’s Agenda 6/23 Background and Overview of IoT/IIoT 6/24 The Applications of IIoT 6/25 The Backbone of IIoT: IPv.6 6/26 The #1 IIoT Challenge: Security 6/27 IIoT: Where Do We Go From Here?

3 This Week’s Agenda 6/23 Background and Overview of IoT/IIoT 6/24 The Applications of IIoT 6/25 The Backbone of IIoT: IPv.6 6/26 The #1 IIoT Challenge: Security 6/27 IIoT: Where Do We Go From Here?

4 Main Markets Building Automation Industrial Automation Lighting
Commercial Transportation / Fleet Mgmt Enterprise Asset Management Smart Cars Test and Measurement Energy Grid (Smart Grid)


6 Building Automation One of the oldest mesh networks not dedicated to communications Predominantly wired – remainder is a mix of proprietary and public standards Birthplace of ZigBee wireless networks Also includes other standards as LonWorks Slowly being integrated into Smart Grid as well as business management systems

7 Industrial Automation
Many legacy systems – few standards (some communications standards, but little data sharing capability Wired predominantly RS-485 20mA loop Ethernet Some wireless, including ZigBee and some WiFi Deterministic

8 Lighting Energy savings Security Safety Bulb life
Litton and others – started with proprietary systems Wired and ZigBee for IIoT Z-Wave primary market for consumer

9 Commercial Transportation / Fleet Mgmt
Two models: captive route (rail) or ‘open road’ Rail systems are a mix of proprietary and standards from the railroad industry New systems for light rail Above also applies to bus and subway (and trolley) systems Fleet management is a cross between asset management and smart vehicle

10 Enterprise Asset Management
Was the birth of IoT Diverse communication channels Optical (barcode, QR, etc) RFID Mesh Wifi Mesh (such as ZigBee) is only practical for high cost items

11 RTI – Assets not just WalMart

12 Smart Cars Currently being treated as a “Internet” of its own
High end auto may have over 100 cpus / cores Now, scale this to the Smart Highway… With electric vehicles, this then becomes part of Smart Grid Trucking -> Fleet Management True IIoT

13 Test and Measurement “Smart Structures” Meteorlogical
Aircraft and Ships Wearables Numerous R&D applications

14 Energy Grid (Smart Grid)

15 How Big are the Markets?

16 Topologies

17 Others Medical Social / Demographic Agriculture / Aquaculture
What else? What new areas are YOU working on?

18 This Week’s Agenda 6/23 Background and Overview of IoT/IIoT 6/24 The Applications of IIoT 6/25 The Backbone of IIoT: IPv.6 6/26 The #1 IIoT Challenge: Security 6/27 IIoT: Where Do We Go From Here?

19 Please stick around as I answer your questions!
Please give me a moment to scroll back through the chat window to find your questions I will stay on chat as long as it takes to answer! I am available to answer simple questions or to consult (or offer in-house training for your company)

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