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Geographical Information Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Geographical Information Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geographical Information Systems
Pavel Hrubeš

2 Department of Transport Telematics
Actuality Lecture’s presentation Tutorial files Scientist papers for presentations Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

3 Department of Transport Telematics
People around GIS Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

4 Department of Transport Telematics
GIS what it can do Any GIS should be capable of six fundamental operations Data Capturing Data Storage Data Query Data Analysis & Modeling Data Display Data Outputting/ Printing Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

5 Department of Transport Telematics
GIS components GIS users Data sources Workstations Applications Visualisation Modeling Capturing Storage Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

6 Department of Transport Telematics
How it works Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

7 Analog Map Vs Digital Map
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

8 Department of Transport Telematics
Data Capturing A GIS must provide a methods for entering geographics (coordinate) and tabular (attribute ) data. Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

9 Department of Transport Telematics
Data Storage There are two basic models of data storage – vector and raster. A GIS should be able to store both types. Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

10 Department of Transport Telematics
Data Query A GIS must provide tools for finding specific features based on their location or attributes. Queries, which are often created as logical statements , are used to select features on the map and their records in the database. Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

11 Department of Transport Telematics
Analyzing data Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

12 Department of Transport Telematics
Proximity analysis Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

13 Department of Transport Telematics
Overlay analysis Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

14 Department of Transport Telematics
Data Display Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

15 Department of Transport Telematics
Outputting Data Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

16 GIS is not just pictures
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

17 GIS & Related Mapping Technologies
A "true GIS" also includes the following characteristics: a. A database management system (DBMS) b. Analysis capability c. Spatial geo-referencing d. Graphics output Related mapping software may have some but not all of these fields: CAD: Computer Assisting Drawing, e.g. AutoCad, Microstation c, d GDS: Graphic Design System, e.g. CorelDraw, Illustrator d DBMS: Database Management System, e.g. Oracle, Sybase a DIPS: Digital Image Processing System, e.g. PCI, Erdas b, c, d GPS: Global Positioning Systems, e.g. Garmin, Trimble c Each of these perform better than a GIS at their specialty, but only a GIS has all four components: e.g. mapping software is better for map production, image processing for working with satellite image data. Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

18 Department of Transport Telematics
Data Vs Informations Knowledge Real world Data Word or number Information Class or type Data + Information interpretation and generalization Data Physical representation Information Meaning importing for solution of issues Knowledge Ability to use for solution Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

19 Modeling of real world phenomena
World is infinitely complex To solve our issues we need a simple and reduced description What could be in model? Digital version of real objects ( houses, roads, forest) Digital version of virtual objects ( country borders ,section lines) Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

20 Representation in computer
Computer is well developed to maintain discrete data but not continuous data Some objects are discrete (houses, borders) – no problem Some phenomena are continuous (temperature, elevation above sea-level) There is necessary to have the rules, how to sample data. Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

21 Transformation to model
Sometimes there is very difficult Forest Non forest reality GIS representation Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

22 Department of Transport Telematics
Modeling of real world Selection of objects or phenomena Identification of objects Definition of way of representation Transformation rules GIS data model Recording of data into database Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

23 Department of Transport Telematics
GIS representations Point Line Polygon Rastr Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

24 Department of Transport Telematics
Creating object model Coordinate Geometry Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

25 Creating Attribute data
Metainformation Values Name: Bill Shop Address: 5 Market Place City: Kingston Owner: Ms J Shore Phone : Area: sq m Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

26 How to record geographic data?
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

27 Physical representation<
Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transport Telematics

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