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School of Engineering and Computer Science

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1 School of Engineering and Computer Science
Health & Safety in ECS School of Engineering and Computer Science

2 General Information The School abides by the following Legislation and Policies Laws Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 Policies VUW HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY 2016 OFF-CAMPUS ACTIVITIES POLICY 2009 – nb new Fieldwork policy to replace in 2017 policy.pdf SAFE CAMPUS POLICY 2013 policy.pdf NB these are the main policies, there maybe other policies that also need to be followed depending on the work that is being done

3 Incident and Accident reporting. It’s not about Blame
We are required to report all accidents and incidents, this includes near misses. A near miss is where something happens that could of caused an injury but in this case didn’t- often the I got away with it case. The School Office has the Incident/accident reporting Forms Please fill them out and Return to the School Safety Officer Or them to As in the title these are not about blame, but getting information to stop injuries from occurring.

4 Injuries Location of First Aid Kits If someone is injured at ECS
For minor injuries – see the School first aiders Electronics Techs Roger - Safety Officer Duncan - Technical support Morgan – Senior Tutor Fill out an incident Report For more Serious Call 111 if needed Call VUW emergency number, say there is a medical event and where, during the work week this will dispatch the Campus Medics if available. Return it to ECS safety Officer or it to Location of First Aid Kits School Office CO358 Electronics Techs Office CO247 Rogers Office EA117

5 General Risks at ECS Risks Wet Floors Computers Stairs Controls
OOS, tripping over cables, electrical risks Stairs tripping, slippery surfaces, broken stair edges or stair caps Controls Watch for wet floors Take breaks , keep cables tidy, notify if the cables are dropped Notify so any issues can be fixed

6 General Emergency Procedures Please read the full building procedures, these can be found beside a lift. Fire When the fire alarms sound, please evacuate the building immediately and assemble at the building evacuation site. Follow all instruction given by Building/Fire Wardens, Campus Care, and Fire Service See the fire info on the building procedures next to a Lift Earthquake Duck cover and hold Only move once the shaking has stopped and it is safe to do so. See the earthquake info on the building procedures next to a Lift Please read the Building Emergency procedures found next to lifts for all other emergency types

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