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Subcultures try to compensate for the failure of the larger culture to provide adequate status, acceptance and identity. In the youth subculture, youth.

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Presentation on theme: "Subcultures try to compensate for the failure of the larger culture to provide adequate status, acceptance and identity. In the youth subculture, youth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subcultures try to compensate for the failure of the larger culture to provide adequate status, acceptance and identity. In the youth subculture, youth find their age-related needs met

2 You'd really hate an adult to understand you
You'd really hate an adult to understand you. That's the only thing you've got over them - the fact that you can mystify and worry them

3 Analyse the ways in which the Media represent youth
Hypothesis: how do the media represent youth? Example: where are youth shown this way? Link to Theory: who says what about it? Implications: what are the wider social effects of this representation? Consider a) on youth b) on other social groups

4 This is England ‘86 (2010 TV mini series/spin off from film This is England set in ’83) Quadrophenia (1976 – set in 1964) Stan Cohen Moral Panics youth culture and its perceived possible threat to order and social rules

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