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Central American Certificate Course: HIV Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV/AIDS Policy and Program Management BZ Unit 2 – Post test CR ES GT NI PA January.

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Presentation on theme: "Central American Certificate Course: HIV Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV/AIDS Policy and Program Management BZ Unit 2 – Post test CR ES GT NI PA January."— Presentation transcript:

1 Central American Certificate Course: HIV Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV/AIDS Policy and Program Management BZ Unit 2 – Post test CR ES GT NI PA January 27th – February 2nd

2 Remember that the last day to send this test to your tutor is on February 6th. If you have any doubt, please ask your tutor

3 Epidemiological Surveillance
Epidemiological analyses are made for several purposes; pair aims and types of analysis in the following table No. Aim Answer Analysis 1 Identifying trends in size and distribution of the epidemic Changes in general and specific rates of HIV prevalence 2 Identifying patterns in composition and ways of acquiring HIV Proportion of new cases by modes of transmission 3 Measuring impact of national response to HIV/AIDS Time-series analysis of incidence, prevalence and mortality

4 Performance Indicators in M&E Write the number of dimensions corresponding to each indicator
No. Dimension Answer Indicator 1 Input % MSM consistently using condoms 2 Process % of health facilities providing paediatric ART 3 Output HIV prevalence among young women and men aged 15 to 24 4 Outcome TB cases among PLWHA identified and treated under DOTS 5 Impact % of VCT coverage among pregnant women

5 Policy Analysis Which of the following studies routinely carried out in Belize has the purpose of measuring policy environment for HIV/AIDS? Policy Implementation Assessment Tool AIDS Program Effort Index (API) Stigma and Discrimination Survey All of the above

6 Second Generation Surveillance
Which of the following definitions better describes Second Generation Surveillance? Recording new HIV cases and estimating prevalence in general population Sentinel prevalence studies on specific HIV/AIDS hotspots Collect and analyse clinical and behavioural information on higher risk groups Routine laboratory follow-up of new-born children from HIV positive mothers

7 Belize M&E Plan According to Belize M&E Plan , there are 39 indicators to follow up. How many of those indicators are consistent with the ten targets M&E framework? 0 – 9 10 – 19 20 – 29 30 or more

8 Central American Certificate Course:
BZ CR Central American Certificate Course: ES Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV AIDS Policies and Programs Management GT NI PA

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