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Classroom network analysis

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1 Classroom network analysis
Dr. Dongho Kim

2 01 02 03 Introduction Basics of social networks
Practice (Social Network Visualizer) 2

3 Introduction

4 Social Network Analysis
01 Introduction Social Network Analysis

5 Social Network Analysis
01 Introduction Social Network Analysis Social network Social structure that represents relationships between actors Social network analysis (SNA) A method by which to analyze social connections/interactions between actors Questions for social network analysis “Who would you go to for advice?” “Who did you talk to yesterday?” “Who do you trust?”

6 Basics of social networks

7 02 Basics Node Node (People) Represents actors (e.g., people, organizations) on which relationships act Edge (Relationships or interactions) Represents relationships that connect nodes James Edge Ashley Ryan Taylor

8 Basics 02 Simple Edge list (for today) Mark Ashley Tony
Node (Starting point) Target node Mark Ashley Tony Data collection methods Surveys Observations Interviews Literature review Digital traces Data entry Creating a edge list or matrix (Excel) Mark Ashley Tony

9 Basics 02 1. Network-level indicators (focuses on groups of people)
Provide information about network structure Psychology, Sociology, Ethnography Density Diameter 2. Node-level indicators (focuses on an individual) Quantify the “importance” or “influence” of a particular node within a network Degree centrality Betweenness centrality

10 Network-level indicator 1
02 Network-level indicator 1 Psychology, Sociology, Ethnography Density Robustness of social network The number of actual edges vs the number of possible edges Which network has higher density (more active interaction)?

11 Network-level indicator 2
02 Network-level indicator 2 Diameter The maximum distance between any two nodes in the network How long does it take at most to reach any node this network?

12 02 Node-level indicator 1 Degree centrality The number of links upon a node *Peripheral connector = below average centrality (unimportant actor) *Central connector = above average centrality (important actor) “The importance of a node in the network” Psychology, Sociology, Ethnography 1. In-degree centrality (i.e. degree prestige) The number of ties directed to the node 2. Out-degree centrality The number of ties that node directs to others

13 02 Node-level indicator 2 Betweenness The number of times a node acts as a bridge along the shortest paths between each node pair that a node is on *Broker = above average betweenness, student who has control over information passing Psychology, Sociology, Ethnography “How likely a node is the most direct route between other two students in the network” “The degree of which information passes though a student”

14 Practice

15 03 Practice - Scenario “I am a teacher who teaches fifth graders in an elementary school, and we are one month away from the beginning of the semester. In order to understand who each student wants to collaborate with in a team, I will administer a survey” Data collection method: Survey Survey question: Who do you want to collaborate with? (up to 3 students) Student answer example:

16 03 Practice - Scenario Create a edge list based on students’ responses using EXCEL and save the file as tab-delimited text 1 2 3

17 1 2 3 Practice – Social Network Visualizer 03
1. Launch Social Network Visualizer on your computer 1 2 3

18 Practice – Social Network Visualizer
03 Practice – Social Network Visualizer 2. “Network” – “Open” – Choose file type in the dropdown (Simple Edge List) –Choose file named “edgelist.txt” – Press “OK” - Press “OK” again 3. “Option” – “Setting” – “Nodes” tab – Change “the label font size” to 18

19 03 Distance between two nodes 1 2 3

20 03 Density =<1.00

21 03 Diameter

22 03 Degree centrality In-degree Out-degree

23 03 Betweenness Q. Who is the most direct route between the rest of the students in this network?

24 03 Visualize: Rearrange nodes by index For better visualization
Select an index 2. Select an layout type Result On levels Nodal size

25 Practice – Let’s do it yourself
03 Practice – Let’s do it yourself Create and analyze the social network depicted below using Excel and Social Network Visualizer Tom Jameela Mark Ashley Tony Ryan Jane Density? Diameter? Highest and lowest In-degree? Highest and lowest Out-degree? Highest Betweenness?

26 03

27 What would you use social network analysis for?
03 Reflection What would you use social network analysis for? Detecting outsiders Analyzing online discussions Comparing current year’ network to the previous year’s Students’ interactions in team projects

28 Thank you!

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