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Constructing Social Action in Conversation

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1 Constructing Social Action in Conversation
IPrA Manchester 2011

2 Language, action & interaction
Language delivers action, not meaning (as Levinson reminds us) The question is, How does language deliver action?

3 Initial actions & responses
Much of CA has focused on responses Responses & preference organization Non-equivalence of preferred & dispreferred actions Not exclusively response-focused; eg. question design (Heritage), requests (Wootton 1981)

4 CA has tended to take for granted…
Conversation Analysis (CA) has not much explored how turns at talk are constructed or designed to conduct a particular social action. We’ve tended to take for granted that some turn or utterance ‘is’ an invitation, or a proposal or request or whatever, or that some next turn is a response to the prior (a rejection, for instance), without considering systematically how these turns/utterances are designed to ‘conduct’ those actions

5 Accountability of turn design
Design talk to be understood in a particular way - as ‘doing’ some particular action Encompasses duplicity Design (to be an action) & attribution related, but analytically distinct (symmetry of production & recognition; Heritage 1984)

6 So what is a social action?
Some of us have focused on ‘speech acty’ actions - requests, offers, proposals etc Shouldn’t restrict to these - panel will go beyond this Schegloff (1996) on ‘confirming allusions’ Anything in talk-in-interaction is, potentially, an action

7 Aims of panel Contribute to developing programme of research into
how we construct turns as actions… …& especially linguistic resources in action construction how participants recognise what’s being ‘done’ (action attribution) what do we mean by ‘social action

8 Panel contribution will cover…
…responses as well as initial actions Linguistic properties/resources in action construction include lexis, syntax, prosody/phonetics, & morphology Embodied actions

9 Panel programme 8.30-10.00 Rossi; Walker/Ogden; Sorjonen & Hakulinen
Fox, Thompson & Couper-Kuhlen; Selting; Wells Drake & Ford; Keating & Egbert; Heritage Steensig & Heinemann; Levinson; Drew

10 Thank you… …we know you have a choice!

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