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Presentation on theme: "EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP WEBINAR SERIES"— Presentation transcript:

November 1, 2016

2 Influencing the C-Suite
Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to today's webinar. My name is Lloyd Johnson, and today we will discussing tips on influencing the c-suite.

3 Moderator LLOYD M. JOHNSON, JR. Executive Director Women’s In-House Counsel Leadership Institute

4 Webinar Logistics Your Participation Open and close your control panel
Join audio: Choose Mic & Speakers to use VoIP Choose Telephone and dial using the information provided Submit questions and comments via the Questions panel Note: Today’s presentation is being recorded and will be provided within 48 hours. Your Participation Before we get started, I’d like to go over a few webinar logistics. We've taken a screen shot of an example of the attendee interface, and you should see something that looks like this on your own computer desktop in the upper-right corner. Please know that your audio has been muted, so you are listening in using your computer's speaker system by default. If you would prefer to join over the phone, just select “Telephone” in the Audio pane and the dial-in information will be displayed. You will have the opportunity to submit text questions to today’s panelists by typing your questions into the Questions pane of the control panel.  You may send in your questions at any time during the presentation, and we will collect these questions and address them during the Q&A session at the end of today’s presentation. Please also note that today’s webinar is being recorded, and the recording along with the presentation slides will be available on the WIHCL website with 48 hours.

5 Webinar Overview Part 1: Breathing the Rarified Air in the C- Suite and the Board Room Part 2: Influencing Part 3: Persuading Part 4: Deeper Dive: Influencing vs. Persuading Part 5: Influencing-Real Life Examples Part 6: Practical Tips Part 7: Questions & Answers

6 Korn Ferry FYI® for your improvement
38 Competency Framework High Priority Competencies: Managerial Courage Self-Awareness Business (Financial Acumen) Influencing Leadership & Team Building

7 Special Thanks ANNE WHITAKER President-Secondments and Coaching Entrusted Advisors Organizational Savvy – see notes from Oct. 22

8 Panelist TERESA WYNN ROSEBOROUGH Executive Vice President-General Counsel & Corporate Secretary The Home Depot

9 Panelist JENNIFER W. HIGHTOWER Senior Vice President and General Counsel-Law Policy Cox Communications, Inc.

10 Part 1: Breathing The Rarified Air In The C-Suite and the Board Room
Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Board Members Other C-Suite Members Chief Marketing Officer Senior Vice President, Sales Chief Human Resource Officer

11 Part 2: Influencing Influencing is comprised of five competencies:
Communicating effectively Driving engagement Organizational savvy Persuading Driving vision and purpose

12 Part 3: Persuading Using Compelling Arguments to Gain the Support and Commitment of Others

13 Part 4: Deeper Dive: Influencing vs. Persuading
When did you start to develop “influencing” as a part of your skillset? Can you give an example of one of those skill building opportunities? Have you observed an instance in which women overlooked those skill building opportunities? Where are women more challenged with this competency than men?

14 Part 5: Influencing-Real Life Examples

15 Part 6: Practical Tips Increasing Self Awareness
Learn to ask guiding questions Be a mirror to others by reflecting back what you feel or hear Unconscious Bias - Countermeasures Acknowledge the absence of key constituencies in the room Seek to be sensitive to unconscious bias and become a disruptor Ascribe positive intent to everyone

16 Part 7: Questions & Answers

17 MANAGERIAL COURAGE Tuesday, December 6, 2016 9am PT/11am CT/12pm ET



20 Delivers messages in a clear, compelling, and concise manner.
COMMUNICATING EFFECTIVELY Talented Skilled Less Skilled Possible Causes of Lower Skill Delivers messages in a clear, compelling, and concise manner. Actively listens and checks for understanding. Articulates messages in a way that is broadly understandable. Adjusts communication content and style to meet the needs of diverse stakeholders. Models and encourages the expression of diverse ideas and opinions. Is effective in a variety of communication settings: one-on-one, small and large groups, or among diverse styles and position levels. Attentively listens to others. Adjusts to fit the audience and the message. Provides timely and helpful information to others across the organization. Encourages the open expression of diverse ideas and opinions. Has difficulty communicating clear written and verbal messages. Tends to always communicate the same way without adjusting to diverse audiences. Doesn’t take the time to listen or understand others viewpoints. Doesn’t consistently share information others need to do their jobs. Dominates discussions Messages lack focus Doesn’t listen Shy Doesn’t write or use visual tools well Doesn’t connect to the audience Avoids difficult conversations Prepares poorly or not at all Discourages the flow of ideas Exhibit A

21 Creates a positive and motivating working environment.
DRIVES ENGAGEMENT Talented Skilled Less Skilled Possible Causes of Lower Skill Creates a positive and motivating working environment. Knows what motivates different people and aligns work accordingly. Gives others appropriate latitude to get work done. Invites input from others. Makes people feel that their contributions are visible and valued. Structures the work so it aligns with people’s goals and motivators. Empowers others. Makes each person feel his/her contributions are important. Invites input and shares ownership and visibility. Shows a clear connection between people’s motivators and the organizational goals. Has little insight into what motivates others. Doesn’t give people enough flexibility and autonomy to do their work. Does little to create enthusiasm. Is unwilling to share ownership and give up control of assignments. Does not understand the importance of the engagement Believes everyone should be naturally engaged Finds it difficult to relate to others with different preferences and drivers Is unable to size people up Fails to see the importance of strategic focus and clarity Treats others unfairly or inequitably Does not recognize others’ efforts and contribution Does not demonstrate trust in others Avoids sharing information Does not show and interest in others Insecure about own contributions Needs the spotlight Exhibit B

22 Navigates the political complexities of the organization easily.
ORGANIZATIONAL SAVVY Talented Skilled Less Skilled Possible Causes of Lower Skill Navigates the political complexities of the organization easily. Has a clear understanding of other groups’ business priorities. Avoids provoking tension between groups. Uses knowledge of organizational culture to achieve objectives. Is sensitive to how people and organizations function. Anticipates land mines and plans approach accordingly. Deals comfortably with organizational politics. Knows who has power, respect, and influence. Steers through the organizational maze to get things done. Overlooks or disregards the political complexities of the organization. Pursues own area’s goals without considering the impact on other groups. Says and does things that strain organizational relationships. Tends to be impatient with organizational processes and makes political errors. Ignores or denies the reality of the system Inexperienced Resists the reality of complexity Weak negotiator Rejects the need to “play politics” Doesn’t read others or their interests well Excessively direct and straightforward Lacks influence Low ambiguity tolerance Cynical Exhibit C

23 PERSUADES Talented Skilled Less Skilled Possible Causes of Lower Skill Shares own ideas in compelling manner that gains commitment from others Negotiates skillfully and creates minimal noise when working toward an agreed-upon solution Finds common ground and acceptable alternatives that satisfy the needs of multiple stakeholders Positions views and arguments appropriately to win support Convinces others to take action Negotiates skillfully in tough situations Wins concessions without damaging relationships Responds effectively to the reactions and positions of others Pushes own point of view too strongly Fails to win support of buy-in from others Is unable to negotiate solutions that are agreeable to all Responds negatively to the reactions and positions of others Has difficulty articulating a logical argument that supports own position Low personal confidence Lacks allies or supporters No credibility Not confident in ideas Comes on too strong Does not listen or respond to objections No plan for action or follow-up Does not have a clear purpose or vision Poor presentation skills Too easily discouraged Exhibit D

24 Articulates a compelling, inspired, and relatable vision.
DRIVES VISION & PURPOSE Talented Skilled Less Skilled Possible Causes of Lower Skill Articulates a compelling, inspired, and relatable vision. Communicates the vision with a sense of purpose about the future. Makes the vision sharable by everyone. Instills and sustains organization-wide energy for what is possible. Talks about future possibilities in a positive way. Creates milestones and symbols to rally support behind the vision. Articulates the vision in a way everyone can relate to. Creates organization-wide energy and optimism for the future. Shows personal commitment to the vision. Fails to personally connect with the organization’s vision. Has difficulty describing the vision in a compelling way. Can’t simplify enough to help people understand complex strategy. Struggles to energize and build excitement in others. Not possibility oriented Resists change Doesn’t relate well with others Lacks ambition Ineffective communicator Stuck in the past Doesn’t show emotion or passion Lacks authenticity Not focused or committed Exhibit E


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