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Drugs in Sport.

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Presentation on theme: "Drugs in Sport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drugs in Sport

2 The race that shocked the world
Drugs in sport

3 Drugs in Sport Presentations
Read your Athlete Fact Card and prepare a short presentation on your athlete that includes: Their sport The type of drug / offense they were convicted of Why athletes would take that drug The health hazards of taking that drug

4 Diego Maradona

5 Olga Yegorova

6 Kim Jong Su

7 Shelly Ann Fraser

8 Marion Jones

9 Terry Newton

10 Exam Question 1. Identify one illegal aid that might be used to enhance VO 2 max and describe the associated risks to a performer’s health marks Identification (1 mark) Blood doping/RhEPO/recombinant erythropoietin Associated risks (2 marks) (Both) 1 Increases blood viscosity/increased risk of blood clotting/blood pressure 2 Heart failure/problems/strain 3 Decreased heart rate that leads to reduce stroke volume/cardiac output/less oxygen reaching the tissues 4 (Blood doping): Risk of blood contamination/hepatitis/AIDS/allergic reactions/infection/ nausea or eq. 5 (RhEPO): Decreased natural production of EPO that can lead to the body producing less red blood cells in the long term

11 Should all athletes be allowed to use drugs?
Yes or No? Write down 5 points for each side of this argument. Be prepared to share your thoughts.

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