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Title III & Title I We are differently the same

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1 Title III & Title I We are differently the same

2 What is the Same?

3 What is the Same in Title II & Title III Budgets?
Most of the guidelines in the Title I, Part A School-Wide Programs & Budget Information is the same for Title I and Title III. These include: Title III inclusion in your SWP Budget guidelines Deadlines for budget submission and purchasing. General purchasing information Stipend pay and submission of required forms and paperwork

4 What is different?

5 Title I and Title III Title I funds are awarded to schools based on the number of students receiving free and reduced lunch. Title I funds can be used for LEP students. Title III funds are awarded to schools based on the number of LEP students. Title III funds can only be used to help ELLs increase English acquisition and academic performance.

6 Title III Objectives To help LEP students, including immigrant students attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic performance and meet the same challenging state content and achievement standards that all children are expected to meet.

7 The Cupcake with the Cherry on the Top
Title III The Cupcake with the Cherry on the Top

8 What is supplanting? If an item, or service can be purchased for students with general funds, school funds, Title I funds, or from any other funding source, you can not use Title III funds. Title III funds are used to supplement-“the cherry on the top.” This may include tutoring, materials, technology only purchased for ELLs. Textbooks, large amounts of copy paper, school supplies or anything that is “part of the cake” is not allowable from Title III.

9 Supplanting? I am buying Promethean boards for my new teachers’ classrooms with Title I funds. Can I buy a Promethean Board for my ESL teacher with Title III funds? Can I buy Spanish books for PBS rewards for my ESL students with Title III funds? Can I pay teachers/paras who tutor ELLs with Title III funds? I am holding 2 Parent meetings at the beginning of the school year, one in English and one in Spanish. Can I use Title III funds for the mail invitations and hand outs in Spanish, and to pay for an interpreter?

10 Important Budget Coding
Title III Fund Number Budget Codes-For Title I –you use to pay “Extended hours for Teachers” to pay a teacher for extended hours for tutoring. For Title III you use All Title I Codes with 10 become 20 in Title III. EIC Codes-Title I EIC Codes end with SB, for Title III EIC codes end with CFA

11 Purchase Justifications
Students will receive after school tutoring in English and math on Mondays and Weds. In addition, ELLs will receive after school tutoring on Tuesday and Thursday to increase their academic English language skills. Computers will be purchased for the ESL classroom to allow ELLs the opportunity to access websites to learn English.

12 Important Dates for Submission, Approval and Purchasing for Title III
Task August 1-31 Schedule individual school appointment meetings with Director of ELL for Title III August 31 School-wide plans with Title III highlighted in yellow and Title III budgets due to Karina Castillo September 29 Last day to submit requisitions for On-line licenses, software support services, and periodicals/subscriptions. November 17 95% of Title I funds must be encumbered in Business Plus. January 31, 2018 Last day to submit a Title III Budget Revision. February 28, 2018 100% of Title III funds must be encumbered in Business Plus. Last day to submit Title III requisitions in Business Plus. April 27, 2018 Last day to submit paperwork for stipends, extended hours, temporary employee, consultants, field experiences, travel, and registration.

13 How Do I Get my Title III Budget approved?
Highlight the Action Items in your SWP that are purchased with Title III funds in yellow. That makes it easier for us to find Title III and approve. Put the Action Item and page number from your SIP in your budget. Put the Focus Area and EIC Code ending in CF on your Budget. Make sure you are not supplanting, and all purchases increase ELLs academic achievement.

14 Workflow Principal submits Title III budgets and highlighted SWP to Karina Castillo. And to Executive Directors of Principal of Performance for approval. Upon approval, Karina Castillo forwards SWP and Title III budget to the Executive Director of Federal Programs Melissa Pfister enters budget in Business Plus Karina Castillo notifies principals and Executive Director when the schools can start spending money Purchases in IFAS are approved by the school principal, Michelle Trahant, Karina Castillo, and the technology department (if it is technology) and Joe Deckelman

15 Still have Questions? Contact karina or michelle

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