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Historical Understandings-

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1 Historical Understandings-
By: Stephanie Rassett, Erika Eidenire, and Jennifer Chaney

2 Georgia Performance Standard-
SS3H2 The student will discuss the lives of Americans who expanded people’s rights and freedoms in a democracy. a. Paul Revere (independence), Frederick Douglass (civil rights), Susan B. Anthony (women’s rights), Mary McLeod Bethune (education), Franklin D. Roosevelt (New Deal and World War II), Eleanor Roosevelt (United Nations and human rights), Thurgood Marshall (civil rights), Lyndon B. Johnson (Great Society and voting rights), and César Chávez (workers’ rights).

3 Paul Revere Employed as an express rider
Made the “Midnight Ride” to spread the message of the British Army’s secret attack. Paul Revere and his “Midnight Ride” allowed the Patriot militia to prepare for the upcoming attack.

4 Fredrick Douglass A main leader of the abolitionist movement.
Advisor to President Lincoln during the Civil War Helped/supported woman's’ rights Involved in Underground Railroad

5 Susan b. anthony Joined the women’s rights movement in 1852
Supported the abolition of slavery, women’s right to property and earnings, and women’s labor organizations Fought for equal education opportunities for all

6 Mary McLeod Bethune Opened school for African Americans in 1903
Organized a hospital for blacks Started the Better Boys Club Campaigned for black freedom and women’s rights Organized the National Council of Negro Women

7 Franklin d. roosevelt 32nd President of the United States
New Deal- economic programs that focused on the 3 R’s: Relief, Recovery, Reform Leader in WWII: trade agreements, surrender of Germany, invasion of Normandy

8 Eleanor roosevelt First lady of the United States
Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly First chairperson of the preliminary United Nations Commission on Human Rights

9 Thurgood marshall Recognized for his civil rights achievements as a lawyer and justice of the Supreme Court Represented clients with Civil Rights cases all over the USA Won 32 out of 35 cases taken to the Supreme Court

10 Lyndon b. Johnson 36th President of the USA
Designed “Great Society” -aid to education, attack on disease, Medicare, Medicaid, urban renewal, beautification, conservation, development, fight against poverty, crime control, and right to vote

11 CÉSAR CHÁVEZ Leading voice for migrant workers during the 20th century
Formed The National Farm Workers Association (name changed to United Farm Workers) This association helped people gain the respect that they deserve.

12 “famous person-who am I?” game
Each student will have a note card taped to their back with the name of a historical person that was just discussed written on it. The student will not know the person that is displayed on their back. Their goal is to try to identify "who they are" by asking questions that can be answered with a "yes" or "no.”

13 continued Rules: no more than two questions at a time can be asked to the same person the student must figure out who he/she is within 20 questions. Everyone who does this is a winner but the person who figures out who he/she is in the least number of questions is the grand winner. When everyone has completed the game, complete the worksheet to conclude the activity!

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