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Multicultural Concept Map Nicholas Matalone

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1 Multicultural Concept Map Nicholas Matalone
Social Studies: SOL3.11: The student will explain the importance of the basic principles that form the foundation of a republican form of government by describing the individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and equality under the law; b) identifying the contributions of George Washington; Thomas Jefferson; Abraham Lincoln; Rosa Parks; Thurgood Marshall; Martin Luther King, Jr.; and Cesar Chavez; Activity 1: The book will be used as a read aloud for the class to use as a discussion for an introduction to Civil Rights leaders. The class will discuss the multiple instances of inequality that appear in the book and what it means to be equal under the law. Activity 2: Students will create a folder containing the names of Civil Rights Leaders and their important accomplishments as well as facts about their lives. The text will be used as an introduction to the movement, and students will add more as they learn about different contributors. English: SOL 3.6 The student will continue to read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts. Compare and contrast the characteristics of biographies and autobiographies. Activity 3: Using this text and a differing autobiography, students will create graphic organizers (Either already made for them in a worksheet, or a poster board) to compare biographies and autobiographies. Activity 4: The text will be used as an introduction to autobiographies. Students will make an autobiography of themselves after examining the elements of an autobiography from the text. Thurgood Marshall: First African-American Supreme Court Justice by Carol Greene Recommended: 3rd Grade Art Activity 6: Students will use clay to make their own gavels after reading themselves or learning about Thurgood Marshal. Each Gavel will have it’s own base where students can paint one important date or fact about Thurgood. Technology Activity 5: The text will be used to introduce the Civil Rights period in a read aloud. Students are then assigned individual persons to research in pairs on computers, and are to make a presentation through PowerPoint to teach the rest of the class about the person.

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