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Starter Activity How does the vegetation adapt in the deciduous biome and what is it adapting to? (4 marks) In the deciduous biome the leaves fall off.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Activity How does the vegetation adapt in the deciduous biome and what is it adapting to? (4 marks) In the deciduous biome the leaves fall off."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Activity How does the vegetation adapt in the deciduous biome and what is it adapting to? (4 marks) In the deciduous biome the leaves fall off the trees (1) as they adapt to the colder temperatures (1). The leaves of the vegetation also change colour (1) as they adapt to less daylight hours (1) With green pen assess what you have missed out Respond to your own feedback

2 How have the plants and animals adapted to the Amazon Rainforest?

3 THINK PAIR SHARE What does adapt mean?
This means that something has changed to suit its conditions What conditions may a plant have to adapt to in the rainforest????? Heat and rain-humidity

4 Now apply your thoughts to the structure of the rainforest.
Watch the following clip carefully Use your whiteboard to note down how the vegetation has adapted. Be ready to share….. Rainforest Structure Emergents - or forest giants, 50 metres or taller. These trees are ususlly supported by buttress roots. Canopy - This is adense layer forming almost complete cover. Trees metres tall include many hardwoods such as mahogony. Under Canopy - This dark and humid area contains saplings between the trunks of larger trees. Shrub Layer - This contains small trees and shrubs especially near rivers. Forest Floor - This is covered with ferns and a deep litter of fallen leaves & branches. Now apply your thoughts to the structure of the rainforest.

5 Annotate your diagram to describe and explain the adaptation
Tall trees-Emergents. Trees grow tall (40m) to strive for the sunlight as the dense forest floor blocks out the sunlight. Leaves have drip tips Lianas are woody vines Buttress Roots


7 How do plants adapt in the rainforest?
Rainforests have a shallow layer of fertile soil, so trees only need shallow roots to reach the nutrients. However shallow roots aren't great for supporting huge rainforest trees, so many tropical trees have developed huge buttress roots. These stretch from the ground to two meters or more up the trunk, which help anchor the tree to the ground.

8 Lianas are woody vines that start at ground level, and use trees to climb up the canopy where they will spread from tree to tree to get as much light as possible.

9 Leaves Sharp edges to keep animals from eating them. Thick, waxy coat to protect against the sun and rain. Drip tips to let rain drip off.

10 What are the characteristics of the soil in the tropical rainforest.

11 Discuss how these animals have adapted………
The toucan has a strong beak to crack the shells from the many varieties of nuts that grow in the rainforest. The tiger’s coat helps them blend in with their surroundings and a sense of hearing that makes it virtually impossible for prey to escape this ferocious wild cat. Chimpanzees have incredibly strong arms and hands, which help them to climb through the many branches and vines in the rainforest understory. Discuss how these animals have adapted……… The bright colours of the poison arrow frog serve as a warning to predators not to eat them. These frogs are so poisonous that natives wipe their arrow heads on them to make them more lethal



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