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Pediatric Tubo-Ovarian Abscess

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1 Pediatric Tubo-Ovarian Abscess
Malika Atmakuri Pediatric Surgery, R1 1/2/2014

2 Case Presentation: TN 13 yo F pw worsening continuous LLQ pain x 4 weeks, n/v Afebrile, no diarrhea, no dysuria Prior Hx: April 2013: sepsis 2/2 b/l tubo-ovarian abscesses s/p laparascopic drainage and IV Abx, + for GBS, Ecoli, and Bacteroides. Rx IV ampicillin, gentamicin, clindamycin -> po doxycycline and Flagyl July 2013: lower abd pain, Rx w IV Abx then po

3 Medications: Micronor Fam Hx: T2DM, PCOS, HTN, Depression
PMHx: Developmental delay, obesity, dysmenorrhea, hx tubo-ovarian abscesses PSgx Hx: T&A, MT, 2006 hemangioma excision Apr 2013 laparascopic drainage of b/l TOA June 2013 I&D of R shoulder abscess Medications: Micronor Fam Hx: T2DM, PCOS, HTN, Depression PE: LLQ tenderness Labs: CRP 13.5, WBC 18.7, 80% neutrophils.. U/A no nitrates or leukocyte esterase


5 Hospital Course IV ampicillin, Clindamycin, gentamicin x 4 days until 24h afebrile, then PO transition then d/c Abd symptoms subsided D/C PO Abx: Doxycycline and Clindamycin Outpatient f/u with Gynecology

6 Tubo-Ovarian Abscess Inflammatory Mass of fallopian tube, ovary, and occasionally adjacent organs Epidemiology + Risk Factors 1/3 women hospitalized with PID have TOA Most likely years old # Sexual partners IUD use HIV Pathogenesis Most frequently arising from upper genital tract infection Likely STD or endogenous flora Inflammation and damage to epithelium predispose to infection Microbiology Common organisms: E coli, Streptococci, Bacteroides fragilis, Prevotella, Peptostreptococcus Actinomyces israelii in IUD users Rarely Candida, Pasteurella multocida, Salmonellae, S. Pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis N. gonorrhoeae and C. trachomatis may be inciting infections

7 Antibiotic Therapy Alone
Diagnosis Often follows diagnosis of PID Imaging: pelvic U/S, abd-pelvic CT Surgical Evaluation Suspicion of abscess rupture resulting in acute abdomen or sepsis TOA in postmenopausal women can be a result of tuboovarian malignancy Antibiotic Therapy Alone Indications: Hemodynamically stable, Abscess < 9 cm in diameter, Premenopausal IV initially, then PO Continue for approximately two weeks 48-72 hours trial of antibiotics, if no improvement then consider surgery Initially IV antibiotics is the recommendation

8 TOA in Virginal Adolescents
As a manifestation of Crohn’s Disease 16 yo pw suprapubic and RLQ abd pain, chills, anorexia, fevers PMHx: candida vaginitis 3 months prior Diagnosed with CT scan Cx: Bacteroides uniformis, Coagulase negative staphylococcus, streptococcus milleri Laparascopy: Exudative fluid in pelvis, bowel loops adherent to uterus and fallopian tubes. Colonscopy: Crohn’s disease Etiology: hematogenous seeding of bacteria

9 As a manifestation of obesity, constipation, recurrent UTIs, poor hygiene
12 yo pw diffuse lower abdominal pain, n/v, fever x 1 day, anorexia, increased urinary frequency PMHx: Obesity, Type 2 DM, constipation, recurrent UTIs Diagnosed on CT scan: cystic L ovary and echogenic debris in lower pelvis Ex lap: b/l TOA + diffuse peritonitis Etiology: inadequate perineal cleansing and vaginal pooling of urine Vulvar adiposity -> recession of urethral meatus -> chronic pooling of urine in posterior vagina

10 Review of Literature: 9 cases
4 with E. Coli 1 from bowel translocation 1 from Crohn’s disease 2 from undetermined inflammatory process 2 from increased body habitus

11 References 1. Granberg, Gjelland, Ekerhovd. The Management of Pelvic Abscess. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetris and Gyncecology, 2009: 23, Hartmann KA, Lerand SJ, Jay MS. Tubo-Ovarian Abscess in Virginal Adolescents: Exposure of the Underlying Etiology. J Pediatr Adolesc Gyncecol, 2009: 22, e13-e Goodwin K, Fleming N, Dumont MD. Tubo-ovarian Abscess in Virginal Adolescent Females: A case Report and Review of the Literature. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol, 2013: 26, e99-e Slap GB, Forke CM, Cnaan A, et al. Recognition of Tubo-Ovarian Abscess in Adolescents with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Journal of Adolescent Health, 1996: 18, Vyas RC, Sides C, Klein DJ, Reddy SY, Santos MC. The Ectopic Appendicolith from Perforated Appendicitis as a cause of tubo-ovarian abscess. Pediatr Radiol, 2008:

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