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Russia after WWI Civil War got Russia out of WWI early (1917) and lasted 4 yrs. Communist government was eventually established (led by Lenin) Soviet Union.

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1 Chapter 16 Section 1 Notes What is happening in other major countries between WWI and WWII

2 Russia after WWI Civil War got Russia out of WWI early (1917) and lasted 4 yrs. Communist government was eventually established (led by Lenin) Soviet Union was formed (Russia is the biggest part) Only one political party legally allowed Govt. may control all private property and the direction of the economy Ideally… all people supposed to be equal. Reality…. Two Classes – 1. Gov Everyone else

3 Stalin Takes Over (1924) People expected to be Very Nationalistic (show extreme pride in country) Establishes Totalitarian government after Lenin’s death Govt. actively seeks to control all aspects of people’s everyday lives No private property or individual rights Shifts econ. production from agriculture to industry +’s = Becomes 2nd largest industrial power by 1937 -’s = About 10 Million Russian people died Hard work Famine (not enough food) Resistance Labor camp workers in Siberia (left). Stalin sent millions of political prisoners to labor camps

4 The Soviet Union was the largest country in
the world… by far. In totalitarian states citizens are expected to treat the dictator with adoration

5 Italy after WWI People concerned about high unemployment and inflation
Wanted strong leadership to fix this Mussolini (Il Duce) rises to power in 1922 Very good public speaker Had a lot of followers (Black Shirts) Convinced the king of Italy to allow him to take over govt.

6 Italy becomes Fascist Stressed Nationalism Stressed Militarism
Stressed Totalitarianism No opposition allowed People’s lives controlled Some private prop. allowed Class differences allowed Govt. run by small group of people Took control of all media Used propaganda to gain support Unemployment drastically reduced

7 Hitler Rises To Power Unemployed former WWI soldier
Joins the struggling Nazi Party One of many vying for power Almost the same as Fascism Nationalistic, Totalitarian Good public speaker Eventually became a leader Called himself “Der Fuhrer” The Leader Promised to make Germany great again Criticized Versailles treaty as being unfair and humiliating

8 Hitler goes to Jail (1923) Mein Kampf (My Struggle)
Led a Nazi rally that got out of hand One person was killed Sentenced to 5 years (served 9 months) While there… wrote a book Mein Kampf (My Struggle) Partially about his life Outlined 3 major beliefs Unite all German speaking people The Third Reich 3rd German Empire Supposed to last 1000 yrs Lebensraum Expansion of territory Racial Purification Blond hair, blue eyed Aryans rule Others would serve them No plans for extermination outlined

9 Hitler builds a following
Over the next 8 years, Hitler and Nazis grow in popularity. Why? His speaking ability His message The book Unemployed became followers Known as Brown Shirts (Storm Troopers) Regular foot soldier Nazis become largest political party in Germany by mid 1932 Hitler gets appointed to Chancellor (2nd in charge) in 1933. President Hindenburg dies Hitler wins in special election Does away with Democracy Establishes Totalitarian Gov Kicks out all non-Nazis from Gov

10 Japan Nationalistic military leaders wanted to expand territory in Pacific Attacked and gained control of Manchuria in 1931 (part of China) Big area of land with a lot of ore Waited for response from League of Nations Created after WWI to prevent wars This was their 1st real test Criticized Japan, but took no action Quit the League – Continued acquiring land Emperor Hirohito Japanese soldiers in Manchuria


12 Germany and Italy follow Japan’s Lead
Hitler builds up military Not supposed to have one Treaty of Versailles sends troops into the Rhineland ( ) Near France and Belgium previously demilitarized Begins setting up fortifications Mussolini takes over Ethiopia (1935) Both quit the League of Nations League does virtually nothing. All Yellowish areas + Rhineland are Germany


14 Spain Civil War Starts in 1936 Govt. in power was democratic
Very little support given by outside countries Military revolution led by Francisco Franco Unhappy with economic conditions wants to establish fascist dictatorship supported by Hitler and Mussolini with supplies and military equipment they become close (Rome-Berlin Axis) Franco wins. 500,000 killed

15 U.S. Response to all this = Neutrality
Before FDR Criticism of U.S. getting involved in WWI By Congressional hearings (Nye committee) By the press (newspapers, magazines) Washington Naval Conference (no new ships) Kellogg Briand Pact (no more war) During FDR’s Presidency Good Neighbor Policy Withdrew U.S. military from Central America Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act Lowered tariffs. (Wanted to trade with everyone) Would help out Depression Neutrality Acts U.S. would not sell or loan military equipment to countries at war

16 U.S. Neutrality is Tested
Japan renews attacks in China (1937) FDR sent arms and supplies to China He got around the Neutrality Acts Japan didn’t declare war on China FDR’s promise in a speech in Chicago “take a stand against aggression”

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