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Title III ELL Procedures

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1 Title III ELL Procedures
Tulsa Public Schools

2 Home Language Survey Every student must complete a Home Language Survey as part of the enrollment packet. Survey must be completed in its entirety. The Original Home Language Survey must be sent to the Office of Accountability. Copies of the Home Language Survey must be: Filed in the student’s cumulative folder Given to the ELD Teacher or ELD Contact as identification for assessment

3 Bilingual Identification
Students may qualify as bilingual for reporting purposes if the HLS indicates that another language is spoken in the home. Students whose HLS indicates that the other language is spoken MORE often are identified as bilingual. Students whose HLS indicates that the other language is spoken LESS often AND have a qualifying test score (PKST, WAPT, ACCESS, OCCT) are identified as bilingual.

4 HLS Updates Students with existing HLSs that indicate that another language is spoken in the home must be updated annually for the accreditation report. If the student has existing ELL scores, no new testing is initiated. Each student qualifying as bilingual on the accreditation report generates approximately $880 in additional funding through the state funding formula. That money is included in the district’s general fund budget.

5 ELL Assessments All students new to TPS with a HLS that indicates that another language is spoken must be assessed for English language proficiency per NCLB within the first 30 days of school at the beginning of the school year or first 10 days of enrollment during the school year with one of the following assessments: PreKindergarten KWAPT WAPT

6 ACCESS for ELLs Score Transfer
28 states including Oklahoma are members of the WIDA consortium and administer the ACCESS for ELLs. If you can contact the previous school and request a score report transfer, then no ELP assessment is needed (WAPT). ACCESS for ELLs scores from Oklahoma and out-of-state districts will be honored. Per OSDE guidance, out-of-state ELP assessments, other than the ACCESS for ELLs, cannot be honored and the student will need to be assessed with the WAPT.

7 WAPT Score Calculator If a student is given the WAPT, the score must be calculated using the online score calculator at apt/ScoreCalculator.aspx. The print out of the Score Calculator report and WAPT score sheet must be filed in the student’s ELL file. WAPT scores must be entered into Power School.

8 Teacher Reports The ACCESS for ELLs Teacher Report and WAPT Score Calculator print out should be shared with all teachers providing instruction to ELLs. Both reports must be filed in the student’s cumulative folder as well as in the ELL file.

9 Parent Notification Per NCLB parents must be notified of their student’s ELL status and services within the first 30 days of school at the beginning of the school year or the first 10 days of enrollment during the school year. Translated Parent Reports are available from MetriTech. If you have not received personal access information for your school, please contact Laura Grisso,

10 Parent Notification Sample letters to accompany ACCESS for ELLs score reports are available in multiple languages at assessment /ACCESS/. Service letters are available in English and Spanish. If you do not have a letter describing services available at your site, please contact your ELD Specialist.

11 Parent Notification Documentation
ALL parent notification must be sent home in English and the home language as is feasible. Copies of the communication with a sent/mailed date should be kept in the student’s ELL file as auditing documentation.

12 ELL Waiver If a parent chooses to waive ELL services, he/she must complete an ELD Waiver form. This form is available in English and Spanish on the ELD Page of Curriculum and Instruction on The original form must be filed in the student’s cumulative folder and a copy in the ELD file. ELD Identification and Assessment is non- negotiable.

13 Language Assistance Services for LEP Parents/Guardians
Language Line Phone Interpretation for placing or receiving or hosting conference calls. Interpretation available in 147 languages TransAct Document library of school documents translated into over 20 languages Additional interpretation/translation requests can be made by contacting Laura Grisso

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