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ELL Curriculum Overview

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1 ELL Curriculum Overview

2 About Us Digital K-12 language curricula based on 100 years of experience. Unique research-focused and -based approach to instruction. Language experts, including Jim Cummins as consultant, helped shape the curricula. Middlebury Interactive’s digital curricula for world languages is based on principles taken from Middlebury College’s famous language pedagogy, which has been developed and refined over the last 100 years. Original ownership by Middlebury College creates unique background of research focus, which is a key differentiating factor from other language companies. Also, Jim Cumming served as a consultant CONFIDENTIAL- INTERNAL ONLY

3 Blended Academic-Based Courses
Academic English Project-Based Learning Adaptable Modular Structure Culturally Inclusive WHAT WE OFFER Eric Smith Notes: What are we solving > Moving kids / preventing kids from being long-term ELL / getting them out of ELL designation / providing a structure that many schools/districts don’t have Curriculum that provides structure (even in a blended setting) – hits all of the points it’s supposed to Social interaction piece / projects Academically rigorous Schools are on the hook to have what the teachers are doing – align to standards. In the later ELL courses, there is some consideration of standards in the design. Modules > Learning goals converge with the standards Pedagogy | Flexible – Supplemental or Core | Provides a Framework for when they go into a classroom

4 How We Help ELs Be Successful
Our program provides: Content-based materials Framework and structure Cultural and personal connections In speaking with English Language educators, we learned that these are the primary points of concern. Our content is aligned with grade level CCSS and engages students to help close the achievement gap and assist students in becoming proficient in academic English. Since the course design also provides students with online opportunities to read, write, and record themselves talking about content area material, this familiarizes them and helps them feel more comfortable in taking end-of-year and proficiency assessments in an online environment.

5 Unique Course Features
On-grade level content to teach academic English Adaptable modular structure and flexible implementations Project-based learning to encourage social interactions Culturally inclusive for students to share unique backgrounds Challenging content to boost student learning outcomes Academic English / On-Grade Level > don’t find this in competing products Structure Student Outcomes Standards Learning Goals Challenging content Alignments

6 Four Skills of Communication
Listening Speaking Project-based learning Writing Reading

7 Multiple Instructional Components
Program designed to be used in a blended learning environment, with teacher support, and includes a variety of online and offline activities. Whole-Group Instruction Collaborative Learning Self-Paced THIS IS NOT A PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS TO DO INDEPENDENTLY – it is designed to be used with a teacher ‘Blended Learning’ means lots of things to lots of different people. To meet the realities of the classroom, we developed a program comprised of three key components that are part of a blended learning environment (shown above – talk through each of the three from here). Other Notes Pull-out (specific instruction) Push-in (sheltered model – inclusive) Extended Self-Paced Child: Online, doing it on their own for some activities Whole-Group Instruction: Teacher presenting Collaborative: Kids on the floor interacting After school / before school / in school

8 ELL Course Correlation: WIDA
Level 1 Entering Level 2 Emerging Level 3 Developing Level 4 Expanding Level 5 Bridging Level 6 Reaching Grades 4-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-10 CHOOSE ONE Justin: FL, GA, AL, MS, TN, KY, NC, OK, NM, NV (SC?) Kim: MO, PA, IL, IN, MI, WI, MN, VA, NJ, MA, ME, VT, NH Todd: UT, CO, WY, ID, MY, ND, SD, AK, HI Middlebury Interactive ELL Level 1 courses push students toward the creation of original language through scaffolded strategies and activities using authentic materials. Level Entering, Levels 1, 2 and 3 courses work on a continuum of skills, modes and domains which straddle the different WIDA grade levels standards. Access to all levels

9 ELL Course Alignment: ELPA 21
ELP Level 1 Beginning ELP Level 2 Early Intermediate ELP Level 3 Intermediate ELP Level 4 Early Advanced ELP Level 5 Advanced Grades 4-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-10 CHOOSE ONE Justin: KS, AR, LA, SC, NE Kim: OH, WV, IA Todd: WA, OR Middlebury Interactive’s ELL Level 1 courses push students toward creation of original language through scaffolded strategies and activities using authentic materials which align with ELPA 21 level 2 Early Intermediate standards for the 4-5 and 6-8 grade bands. Middlebury Interactive Level 2 aligns with ELPA 21 Level 3 Intermediate standards and Level 3 aligns with ELPA 2 Level 4 Early Advanced levels standards for the different grade bands.

10 ELL Course Alignment: CA ELD
Emerging Expanding Bridging Grades 4-5 Grades 6-8 Grades CHOOSE ONE There are only three levels in CA ELD standards. Middlebury Interactive ELL Level Entering and Level 1 courses align with the CA ELD Emerging grade levels standards. Level 2 courses align with the Expanding grade levels standards and Level 3 align with the Bridging grade levels standards.

11 ELL Course Alignment: TX ELPS
Beginning Intermediate Advanced Advanced High Grades 4-8 Grades 6-8 CHOOSE ONE Middlebury Interactive ELL Level 1 courses push students toward creation of original language through scaffolded strategies and activities using authentic materials which align with TX ELPS Intermediate for the 4-5 and 6-8 grade bands standards. Level 2 courses align with TX ELPS Advanced levels and Level 3 courses align with TX ELPS Advanced High levels for the 6-8 grade bands standards. Grades 9-10

12 Success Story: Hartford Public Schools
Hartford Public Schools at a Glance: 86 languages spoken at home 20% of students are ELs (3,800 total) : pilot expansion from 300 to 1500 students Increased student performance compared to non-pilot ELs Near 100% attendance for pilot students Dramatic hike in parental involvement “The feedback we’ve gotten from teachers is that the students are more engaged, and the online component allows them to learn at their own pace.” —Mary-Beth Russo, HPS ELL Coach

13 Johns Hopkins Efficacy Study: Hartford Results
Measurable benefit with both quantitative and qualitative factors Middlebury Interactive students evidenced a more positive growth pattern than students outside the pilot High levels of student engagement Improved engagement by parents of students in the program Teacher, parents and administration found it very effective in helping students learn academic English and thrive in the school culture

14 Professional Development Resources
Professional Learning Curriculum Resources Training Research Personalized Support Professional Learning Online Forums Support Vision Collaboration Middlebury Interactive has a Professional Development website available to all clients which provides free resources in addition to the required functionality and professional development training 1 2 3

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