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UCLAN. The Centre for Children and Young People’s Participation

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1 Herding cats! Children research the use of physical restraint in custody.
UCLAN. The Centre for Children and Young People’s Participation 9th March 2016

2 Background Over 30 children (under the age of 18) have died in custody in the past decade. Custody for children is inherently unsafe, and exists of harmful and unsafe care. This study argued that the way children are treated once incarcerated is the result of the way that children, childhood and child offenders are conceptualised, perceived and controlled. The routine use of physical restraint as a response to challenging behaviour is highly questionable. Even if it is legally defensible, does that make it morally right?

3 Background Taking a children’s human rights approach this piece of participatory research, explores the use of physical restraint across the secure estate in England, from the perspective of children themselves. Over 100 children participated in the research, some as researchers themselves and others as subjects. Spaces were created which encouraged the authentic and distinctive voice of children, which lies at the heart of the study. Their contemporaneous experience makes this research unique.

4 The Research Aims To explore challenging situations with children in the secure estate from a rights perspective. Using participatory research methods children explored: the potential of adopting a rights-based approach, and issues around the use of physical restraint

5 Everyone has a different reality

6 Children’s Participation
Children as researchers Children as research participants Children as advisors - The Children’s Advisory Group

7 Research Spaces Agenda Days™ My Space Vignettes
CAG – Children’s Advisory Group

8 Research Participants
Children 22 children involved in initial scoping 5 members of the Children’s Advisory Group 12 children interviewed as part of the development of vignettes 12 children involved in pilot of the vignettes 7 children from YOI 18 children in STC 35 children in LASCH Key Stakeholders 5 staff from YOT 5 staff from STC 7 staff from LASCH 6 staff from key stakeholder groups

9 Evidence generated by Children Evidence generated by Adults
Research Evidence Evidence generated by Children Notes from CAG meetings Interviews with children to develop the vignettes Notes from the vignette pilot session Recordings from interviews using the vignettes Notes from New Space meetings Recording of one to one interviews with children from LASCH, STC, and YOI Evidence generated by Adults Research diary entries Recordings of one to one interviews with key stakeholders Notes from staff group sessions

10 The use of physical restraint in the secure estate
Themes for Analysis The use of physical restraint in the secure estate Children’s experiences of physical restraint The acceptability/inevitability of restraint Gender issues The importance of relationship Expectations The futility of complaints A rights perspective Methodological issues The Children’s Advisory Group The child’s voice Vignettes Research spaces

11 Research findings Children’s human rights in the secure environment
Children’s everyday experience of violence The significance of gender The importance of relationship It’s all about control No interest in alternatives The importance of participatory research spaces

12 Co-construction with children
Shaping the vignettes Creating a balanced context in which the research was conducted Created a dialogue with children in custody Sense of rights and injustice Creating alternatives Children are firmly planted in reality

13 Where will it end? What will it start?

14 Issues, challenges and barriers
Children altered the shape and scope of the research Children creating a different dynamic Adult gatekeeping Taking children seriously – adult accountability

15 Thank you!

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