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English Term 2 Week 6.

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1 English Term 2 Week 6

2 Sunday 14th of February 2016 LO: To spell igh sound spelt with y.
reply multiply terrify butterfly satisfy petrify horrify nearby

3 Sunday 14th of February 2016 LO: To use simple contents , indexes and glossary list.

4 Sunday 14th of February 2016 LO: to use simple contents , indexes and glossary list.
What is an index? It is an alphabetical list of items from the book, at the end of the book with the page number of where to find the item.

5 Sunday 14th of February 2016 LO: to use simple contents , indexes and glossary list.
If you are looking to read about plants- on pages 6, 8 and 9 is where the word plants is mentioned in this book. Why do you think an index is useful?

6 Sunday 14th of February 2016 LO: to use simple contents , indexes and glossary list.
What is a glossary? Usually appears at the end of a book. It’s a list of words in the book that are uncommon. The words are in alphabetical order. (similar to a dictionary, but the words will be from the book)

7 Sunday 14th of February 2016 LO: to use simple contents , indexes and glossary list.

8 Monday 15th of February 2016 LO: to explore how information is organized an presented.
Lets look at how non- fiction text is presented. Is it different? How is it different? When we looked at fiction writing eg. The Tunnel the story has a beginning middle and end.

9 Monday 15th of February 2016 LO: to explore how information is organized an presented.
Sub headings Questions Diagrams Maps Bullet points

10 Monday 15th of February 2016 LO: to explore how information is organized an presented.
Page 18 Snakes How is this piece of writing presented? Is it good / bad? Why? What way is it written? Is it like a story?

11 Monday 15th of February 2016 LO: to explore how information is organized an presented.
Task What is the title of the piece? Why is it a non- fiction piece? List the five sub headings. What do snakes eat? Where do snakes live? Is their blood cold or warm?

12 LO: To use a dictionary. What do we use a dictionary for?
To find a meaning. To spell a difficult word. Step 1: Look for first letter. When you have found first letter look for second letter. Check if your word is there.

13 LO: To find meaning of words using a dictionary.
Find these words and write meaning in your copy. Shallow Kneel Flow Damage Sweep pipe

14 LO: To write a non fiction piece of writing.
Read ‘Teeth’ to the class. It’s a non fiction book about teeth. Encourage the children to record some interesting facts about the book on a piece of paper. Task Write a non fiction piece of writing about teeth. You are writing a piece for a children's magazine. Explain what teeth are, why we have them and how to look after them. Include sub headings, diagrams, pictures etc.

15 LO: To write a non fiction piece of writing.

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