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Peter Douglas, Intrallect

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1 Peter Douglas, Intrallect
Scenarios Peter Douglas, Intrallect Who Mission

2 Scenario “Vignette” about the system
Written from an imaginary person’s point of view - very specific Details, motives and emotional content Plain English Not the requirements - but gets us familiar with system and provides useful starting point for Use Cases. 18

3 Example Peter is working on a project that is developing a multimedia online resource based on a performance of a Shakespeare play. While gathering the materials that will go into the resource Peter obtains some photographs. He gets permission from the photos’ rights holder for the photos to be used in an educational context by other users. Peter puts the photos into a digital repository, complete with the rights associated with them. The photos are now available for others to use. Peter works for Linlithgow University and they are very concerned that any rights are not contravened.

4 Other Example Johns Hopkins University Tracking Student Assignments
At times faculty may assign, say viewing a video clip, that has been linked in the CMS. A grade is not associated with the viewing, but students are required to view a certain number of selections. Faculty would like to know who is viewing which clips. A step further would be that if the students viewed a specific number, this would be relayed to the grade book. Faculty would have an easy method of determining what clips are being viewed and by whom, as well as if a student has or has not done the assignment.

5 Another Example E-Portfolios Reference Model…

6 Activity Write your own Scenario
Something to do with Digital Repositories (anything!) Pairs - briefly agree a situation Then separate and write a scenario each - your take on the situation 15 minutes

7 Further Discussion How do your two scenarios compare?
Do your people play a similar role in the system? Are they trying to do the same thing? If there are differences are they significant?

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