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SCE 4311 U01A Summer, 2017 Class #1, May 9th, 2017 Agenda, Photos, Assignments, Handouts, Resources Agenda Items Material/Resources for Class – Textbook.

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Presentation on theme: "SCE 4311 U01A Summer, 2017 Class #1, May 9th, 2017 Agenda, Photos, Assignments, Handouts, Resources Agenda Items Material/Resources for Class – Textbook."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCE 4311 U01A Summer, 2017 Class #1, May 9th, 2017 Agenda, Photos, Assignments, Handouts, Resources
Agenda Items Material/Resources for Class – Textbook & CD ROM, Science notebook, 3- ring binder - Discussion Science Notebook Sections (see slide left) - Discussion Field assignments (FA1, FA2 – LPW [handouts]) - Discussion Moving Forward from SCE 4310 through SCE 4311 Four Levels of Educational Outcomes (Content, Thinking Skills, Cognitive Tasks, Habits of Mind) – Why? [Discussion] 5 E Learning Cycle Approach [Making Improvements SCE 4311 SCE RECAP C-E-R-R Frame; KLEWS Chart (NEW TEXTBOOK FOCUS) Online Resources – Class Website/Update Page Search for Solutions Video – Scientists in authentic work places ---- K-6 Science Classrooms Guide to Communicating in Scientific Ways SCE 4311 Reflection Program & Chapter Assignments

2 Today’s SCE 4311 Class White Board Notes

3 Guide to Communicating in Scientific Ways

4 Completing Informational Index Card//SCE 4311 CLASS PAGE (see handout URL link)

5 Video – Search for Solutions [SCIENCE NOTEBOOK REFLECTION]

6 Textbook & CD ROM/Science Notebook/3 ring binder Required

7 Class Update Page linked to SCE 4311 Homepage (handout)

8 Wheel of Science//FL SSS Big Idea 14 K-6 [In-class create Concept Flow Chart]

9 Reading Reaction/Reflection Assignment Chapter 1 due next class

10 FA Summer 2017 (handouts: Letter to the Cooperating Teacher, FA1, & FA2)

11 FA2, LPW

12 RECAP//Intro to PD Portfolio [Taskstream Assignment]

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