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Elizabeth is 39 years old. Overall, her teeth seem in good health.

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Presentation on theme: "Elizabeth is 39 years old. Overall, her teeth seem in good health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elizabeth is 39 years old. Overall, her teeth seem in good health.

2 Elizabeth had NO reason to suspect any problems with her 3 Silver fillings…

3 Her fillings showed NO decay on X-ray
Her fillings showed NO decay on X-ray. Only slight openings at edges seen with the camera…

4 Silver Mercury Fillings
Rarely just “ Fall Out” Are Almost Never Painful Don’t “Seem” a Problem

5 Silver Mercury Fillings
Rarely just “ Fall Out” Are Almost Never Painful Don’t “Seem” a Problem

6 Silver Mercury Fillings NO Symptoms ‘till Long After
Decay underneath eats away remaining good tooth structure Stress fractures from filling expansion Jeopardize tooth

7 Silver Mercury Fillings NO Symptoms ‘till Long After
Decay underneath eats away remaining good tooth structure Stress fractures from filling expansion Jeopardize tooth

8 Elizabeth’s 1st Filling Elizabeth’s 1st Filling Removed
Decay UNDER Cusps Hollow Tooth Out from the Inside

9 Decay UNDER Cusps Hollow Tooth Out from the Inside

10 Decay Got Between the Teeth and Broke Through

11 Decay Got Between the Teeth and Broke Through

12 Metal Expansion Caused back Wall Crack

13 Metal Expansion Caused back Wall Crack

14 So Little Remains After Decay Removed

15 So Little Remains After Decay Removed

16 Fractured Through Base of Tooth

17 When Decay Gets Near the Nerve… Root Canal May be Needed

18 When Decay Gets Near the Nerve… Root Canal May be Needed

19 Elizabeth’s 2nd Filling Elizabeth’s 2nd Filling Removed
Large Area Underneath was SOFT

20 Large Area Underneath was SOFT

21 Remaining Tooth After Decay Removed

22 Elizabeth’s 3rd Filling Elizabeth’s 3rd Filling Removed
Metal Expansion BROKE Right Through Wall

23 Metal Expansion BROKE Right Through Wall

24 Whole Section Lost Due to Weakening by Fracture

25 Don’t Wait Until Old Fillings Break, or Hurt… Plan for Long-Term Health, Today.

26 Don’t Wait Until Old Fillings Break, or Hurt… Plan for Long-Term Health, Today.

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