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Professor (dr.) Tony Ghaye, FRSA, BPS

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1 Professor (dr.) Tony Ghaye, FRSA, BPS
How to think like Leonardo da Vinci: Writing reflectively and getting published Professor (dr.) Tony Ghaye, FRSA, BPS

2 Linking Action with Reflection

3 New Developments in Reflective Practices 1
From ‘I’ to ‘us’

4 From cycles to questions
New Development 2 From cycles to questions


6 Reflective Questions

7 From change to IMPROVEMENT and
New Development 3 From change to IMPROVEMENT and IMPACT

8 New Development 4 From deficits to STRENGTHS
e.g. what went wrong, why, and so what do we need to get rid of? TO e.g. What was successful, why, and so what do we need to keep doing and amplify?

9 What can we learn from da Vinci?
Leonardo da Vinci was the ultimate multi-tasker : a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer! We can learn a lot from how Leonardo da Vinci thought. Born 1452 Died 1519

10 Da Vinci PRINCIPLE 1: Curiosità
What’s the ISSUE and the QUESTION? What do you really want to do, to discover and know more about? What are you really curious about? A great paper is different from other papers because of the quality of the question/s. So how far can you ask great questions?

11 Da Vinci PRINCIPLE 2: Dimostrazione
How have you ACTED and learned from your EXPERIENCE? How far have you acted ethically? Have you ‘tested out’ what you are saying against their own and other’s experience? How far have you put their ideas ‘under pressure’ and questioned your own (and other’s) opinions, assumptions and beliefs? What literatures have you used? How willing have you been to learn from their mistakes and write about these?

12 Da Vinci PRINCIPLE 3: Sensazione
How is the account being TOLD? How have you seen the ‘world’. Through what lenses? Have you tried to engage with the readers in a meaningful and appropriate way? How far have you creatively used different ways of telling? What modes of expression have you used to convey what they know and want to tell? In whose voice are they writing? How far is the account believable?

13 Da Vinci PRINCIPLE 4: Sfumato
How has COMPLEXITY been presented? How far have you positively embraced ambiguity, paradox and uncertainty in their reflective account? How far are you open to alternative views and options? How far is the paper a journey into the unknown? Sfumato is an important part of open-mindedness. It allows us to hold different perspectives at the same time.

14 Da Vinci PRINCIPLE 5: Arte/Scienza
Whose knowledge is worth KNOWING?    Which knowledge/s are more worthwhile? Is your paper reasonably balanced? How far have you shown both logic and imagination?

15 Da Vinci PRINCIPLE 6: Corporalita
 How has the paper been STRUCTURED or ORGANISED? How far have you been able to construct a paper that is followable, without abrupt transitions, that flows and continuously unfurls? How far is it authentic?

16 Da Vinci PRINCIPLE 7: Connessione
What are the LINKS between reflection and action? What interconnections have been shown? How far have you been clear about the connections between reflection and action and with what consequences?

17 Thank you for listening

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