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The Princess By Madison Collins.

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1 The Princess By Madison Collins

2 The princess Once upon a time on a prairie, there lived a beautiful princess named Angelina Grace. One day she went to a fancy restaurant for a party with other princesses. When she arrived she met a young and handsome prince. His name was Matthew.

3 The Princess They decided to have dinner together, but Angelina’s step-mother did not approve. She was very jealous of Angelina being at the center of attention.

4 It became the best night of her life!
The Princess Angelina decided to sneak for her dinner date with the help of her fairy god-mother Suzy. It became the best night of her life!

5 The Princess Angelina wore a sparkling pink dress,
Suddenly things went from great to horrible! With a diamond on the chest

6 How embarrassing for me!!!
The Princess Angelina spotted her evil step-sisters. She rushed out very quickly, dropping her diamond in a plate of chicken parmesan. How embarrassing for me!!!

7 The Princess Luckily the diamond had a clip which had Angelina Grace’s initials etched in it. A.G. The prince searched the prairie until arriving at the home of Angelina and her family.

8 They were soon married…
The Princess The step-sisters protested Angelina’s ownership of the diamond, but as soon as prince Matthew saw her, his heart knew it was his love. They were soon married…

9 The Princess …and as for the step-sisters? YOU CAN JUST GUESS.

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