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Key Features Short STORY.

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1 Key Features Short STORY

2 1. Narrative Structure

3 Orientation Happens at the beginning of the story.
We learn about the main character, the setting, a first look at the story to come. In the film Shrek for example: Shrek reads the fairy tale in the outhouse Happily living alone in the swamp

4 Complication Occurs towards the beginning of the story.
Something happens to the main character to get the plot going. In the film Shrek: Lord Farquaad banishes the fairy tale characters and they wind up in Shrek’s swamp. This makes him angry  In order to restore his swamp back to normal, Shrek must rescue Princess Fiona and bring her back to Farquaad.  Shrek wants to be left alone

5 Problems/Solutions The middle of the story
The main character tries to resolve the issue or problems facing him or her. In Shrek: Shrek meets Donkey.  Shrek and Donkey battle the dragon and save Princess Fiona.  Shrek falls in love with Princess Fiona.  Princess Fiona is also an ogre?  Prince Farquaad has Fiona kidnapped and tries to marry her

6 Climax Occurs towards the end
All the ideas and actions are drawn together near the end of the text. We come to understand something important about the main character or the events. In Shrek: After storming the castle, Shrek and Fiona kiss. Fiona permanently turns into an ogre, and Shrek realizes that he wants to be with somebody (instead of always alone).

7 Resolution The ending How and why the problems are solved. What the main character thinks and feels about this. What happened to all the characters. In Shrek: Shrek and Princess Fiona get married! Shrek and Donkey are friends! They all live happily ever after?

8 2. Theme

9 Theme What does the author want the reader to think about at the end? What is the author trying to tell the reader about our life in our world? In Shrek: Appearances can be deceiving Beauty is on the inside Friendship

10 3. Character

11 Character A character is a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in a short story or novel. Major or central characters are vital to the development and resolution of the conflict. In other words, the plot and resolution of conflict revolves around these characters. Minor characters serve to complement the major characters and help move the plot events forward. Protagonist - The protagonist is the central person in a story, and is often referred to as the story's main character. He or she (or they) is faced with a conflict that must be resolved. The protagonist may not always be admirable (e.g. an anti-hero); nevertheless s/he must command involvement on the part of the reader, or better yet, empathy. Antagonist - The antagonist is the character(s) (or situation) that represents the opposition against which the protagonist must contend. In other words, the antagonist is an obstacle that the protagonist must overcome

12 Character In the film Shrek: Who are the major characters?
Who are the minor characters? Who is the protagonist? Who is the antagonist?

13 Characterisation Characterisation is a word that describes how the author develops the personality of the story characters in a story. In most stories the characters seem to steer the events in a story, for a good writer will make characters behave in different ways. Characters become real life breathing people to our reader if we describe decisions they make, what they say and how they say it. Sometimes a writer will reveal also the thoughts which run through a character’s mind.

14 4. Setting

15 Setting The setting of a short story is the time and place in which it happens. Authors often use descriptions of landscape, scenery, buildings, seasons or weather to provide a strong sense of setting. TIME – when is the story set? E.g. – In Shrek is it: The middles ages? Modern times? Do we know? PLACE – where is the story set? E.g. Shrek is set in The Kingdom of Far, Far Away

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