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Selling situations and Opportunities

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1 Selling situations and Opportunities

2 The objective of a sales process
To get the client to say "yes" until the deal is closed. An important sales technique is the ability to overcome the objections that can cause negative answers. A sales professional needs to listen to what the customer is saying in order to understand the objection. The objection being stated can often be the result of a much deeper issue. For example, the customer may have objections to the price of an accessory package for a vehicle, but questions from the sales associate reveal that the client is actually more concerned about the overall cost of the vehicle. After a sale is complete, write down some of the objections you experienced and the ways in which you overcame those objections. Study this information regularly to become more proficient at handling objections

3 Asking for the Sale Sometimes the simplest sales techniques are the most effective. A sales professional needs to be able to identify the right time to ask for the sale to close the deal. For example, when the sales professional gets the customer to agree that a clothes washer is the ideal product for the customer's situation, the sales associate needs to ask for the sale as opposed to offering to give the client some product literature for consideration. If the sales person has done her job correctly, the client has already considered his options and may be ready to buy.

4 Techniques for Achieving a Sales Target
Implementing sales techniques to successfully meet goals is most effective when used as part of a sales plan. There are many techniques to choose from, and with practice, small business owners and their sales staff will find the methods most suited to their personal style and business. Common sales techniques used by successful salespeople include breaking down large goals into smaller targets, setting activity goals, focusing on customer

5 Manage Your Sales Target
Remove the stress of a high sales target by breaking down the annual goal into quarterly, monthly and weekly dollar goals. A goal of $1,000 in new sales sounds less daunting than a goal of $52,000, so focus on achieving a weekly sales target. Challenge yourself and your team to meet the weekly goal by posting your progress on a chart in the lunchroom or staffroom, and reward top performers with small weekly prizes such as a gift certificate to a local coffee shop.

6 Set Activity Goals Include a sales activities target as part of your plan. Study previous activity records and review the number of phone calls, s, referrals, appointments and follow-up contacts made by the most successful salespeople in your office or industry. Use these figures as a basis to set activity goals for pro-active sales activities. Review your own activity each week, and evaluate what works to increase sales and what doesn't. Adjust your activity goals accordingly

7 Provide Excellent Customer Service
Instead of worrying about achieving your sales goal, concentrate on providing excellent service to the customer. Develop a personal sales script using language you are comfortable with to introduce new clients to new products or services. Give customers your undivided attention and focus on meeting their needs rather than "selling" anything. Anticipate questions, concerns, and future issues. Providing excellent customer service consistently results in repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals, increasing your sales and decreasing required prospecting time.

8 Prospecting vs. Closing
Prospecting refers to searching for and cultivating relationships with customers who are more likely to purchase your product than the average person. According to a Baylor University review of the book "The Optimal Salesperson" by Dan Caraminico and Marie Maguire, there is a direct connection between prospecting activity and increased sales. Focus on identifying target customers and getting quality sales referrals from existing customers. This is a more efficient way to achieve a sales target than "cold calling" or trying to sell to the general public

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