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Islam Grade 6 Social Studies.

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1 Islam Grade 6 Social Studies

2 Semitic Religion Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The word Semitic describes the people who came from the Middle East and their languages. Arabs and Jews are both Semitic. Christianity is a Semitic religion because it originated in the Middle East. Another feature Semitic religions share is monotheism. The prefix mono means one while theism means belief in God or gods. So although these religions differ greatly, they each believe in only one God.

3 Facts 2nd largest religion in the world
Over 1.6 billion people follow Islam Founded in Saudi Arabia around 622 CE Young religion

4 History of Islam Islam is popular in the Muhammad founded Islam
Middle east Northern Africa Indonesia Turkey and Albania Muhammad founded Islam He received the word of God Was God’s messenger

5 Roots of Islam Believe in one God, Allah
Means God in Arabic Sees everything and knows everything Was never born and will never die Muslims are followers of Islam Muslim is Arabic and means one who submits to God Muslims believe Allah sent a prophet Muhammad was his messenger Born in Mecca, the holy city of Islam

6 Five Pillars of Islam Shahadah - Profession of Faith
“There is no other God but Allah, and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah” 2. Salat - Prayer 5 times a day (morning, lunch, afternoon, sunset, before bed) Must say certain words Face Mecca Wash before Take off their shoes Kneel

7 The Bowing Positions of Salat

8 Five Pillars Continued
Zakat - Giving of Alms Muslims must give some money to the poor (2.5%) Sawm - Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan Cannot eat between sunrise and sunset Month when Muhammad received the teachings Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca Muslims need to try to make a journey to the holy city of Mecca one time in their life

9 Worship Mosque Iman Place of worship Usually has a dome and minaret
Holy Day is Friday Iman Leader of Muslims One for each mosque

10 Holy Book of Islam Koran Given to Muhammad through an angel
In Arabic, as this was Muhammad’s language Divided into 114 parts

11 Ways of Life Marriages are usually arranged
You don’t pick who you marry In many muslim countries women must always keep their body covered Once you reach the age of 12 Can eat all foods except for pork (pig) Not allowed to drink any alcohol

12 Death and Beyond When you die, soul waits for the Day of Judgement
Period of waiting is known as being “in barzakh” Judgement may not happen for a LONG time Soul either goes to: Paradise or Hell

13 Stereotypes Of the major Semitic religions, Westerners know the least about Islam Ignorance surrounding Islam has led to a great deal of prejudice and stereotypes Stereotype is a fixed idea that many people have about a thing or a group and that may often be untrue or only partly true. True or False … All Muslims are Arab True or False … Muslims are violent and promote terrorism

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