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Mock Create PT Lorenzo Monesi.

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1 Mock Create PT Lorenzo Monesi

2 Video (Click on the icon to play it)

3 Program Purpose and Development
2 A The application shown in the video was written using the Snap! block-based programming language. The program is the remake of the famous game “Snappy Bird” but the setting is “space” themed; The purpose of the game is to help the Looney Tunes’ alien “Marvin the Martian” on his spaceship to dodge astronauts and space shuttles that are floating around the galaxy. Every time the sprite passes an obstacle, the player gets one point, while if Marvin touches the moon or and asteroid he remains undamaged because he doesn’t come into contact with human technology. The video illustrates a round of the game in which the player dodges obstacles with the spaceship and collects points while it shows that the moon and the asteroids don’t have any effect on the alien; the player, instead, loses the round when the sprite comes into contact with an astronaut or a space shuttle.

4 Program Purpose and Development
2 B The development process of the program started from the block-based code of the original “Snappy Bird” game. First I decided to adapt the game to a different theme, setting it into space; I researched images for my sprite, my obstacles and other scenic objects that appear in in the back ground of the game and I assigned them to the already made blocks of instructions. Once every object on the screen was replaced, I resized the new images so they could fit properly with the background and I went over the code trying to position them far apart from each other, in order to create a pathway for the sprite; I had to modify their position on the T-Axis, while I kept the X-Axis position changing so the game it’s not going to repeat the same section. The problem that I encountered during the modification of the program was the assignment of the images to the obstacles, because the program was set in order to switch the costumes randomly so I had to get rid of those blocks. I had one more problem trying to delete the black background of the images using Microsoft Word as suggested by Shane, but it did not workout without deleting also part of the characters, which is the reason why I kept the background.

5 Sprite Cole’ s suggestion

6 1° obstacle

7 2° obstacle

8 Scenic object 1

9 Scenic object 2

10 Stage

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