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Music Utilization Methods

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1 Music Utilization Methods
Use of music to increase verbalizations and communication attempts in non-verbal and pre-verbal children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Kelsey N. Williams, BHS, MHS Candidate Research Supervisor: Ashleigh Ohmes Boyd, MHS, CCC-SLP University of Missouri School of Health Professions MU Leadership and Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Background 30-50% of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) do not develop functional communication skills This may negatively impact their ability to participate in educational and social activities Music may be particularly beneficial in eliciting verbalizations and communication attempts in children with ASD Why does music work? Considerations No adverse effects were reported; however, individual differences may impact result outcomes Duration and frequency of sessions should be determined based on each child’s needs and rate of progress Children’s interests should be explored to determine musical preferences. Musical activities may be intrinsically motivating When musical and rhythmic activities are combined, a network of brain regions are engaged through visual, auditory, and motor input Neuroimaging research has suggested overlapping neural resources for both musical and linguistic stimuli Provides predictable patterns for speech for children with ASD Capitalizes on intact musical abilities of many children with ASD Music Utilization Methods Educational material is paired with music Individualized songs are created for children to target key skills (e.g., greetings) Melodic-based communication therapy in which target words are paired with individual melodies Music is incorporated into Applied Behavioral Analysis Verbal Behavior (ABA VB) intervention approach in which target verbal behaviors are paired with musical productions Musical instruments are used as motivational factors Summary Music has a positive impact on the overall communication abilities of individuals with ASD Music provides a variety of additional benefits for children with ASD including reduced anxiety and increased attention There are many methods for effectively incorporating music into current intervention practices Individual differences in children may impact outcomes of music use General Guidelines Music-based activities should be utilized for at least 15 sessions as this timeframe led to the greatest progress Greater gains seen with individual sessions v. group sessions Choose functional target words and phrases to maximize therapy gains Child-led intervention approaches resulted in better outcomes overall Best to combine with rhythmic exercises to achieve higher levels of attention Musical stimuli should be selected based on child preference; however, more positive outcomes are associated with use of classical music Sources De Vries, D., Beck, T., Stacey, B., Winslow, K., & Meines, K. (2015). Music as a Therapeutic Intervention with Autism: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 49(3), 220. Geretsegger, M., Elefant, C., Mössler, K. A., & Gold, C. (2014). Music therapy for people with autism spectrum disorder. The Cochrane Library. Lim, H. A., & Draper, E. (2011). The effects of music therapy incorporated with applied behavior analysis verbal behavior approach for children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of music therapy, 48(4), Sandiford, G. A., Mainess, K. J., & Daher, N. S. (2013). A pilot study on the efficacy of melodic based communication therapy for eliciting speech in nonverbal children with autism. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 43(6), Srinivasan, S. M., Eigsti, I. M., Gifford, T., & Bhat, A. N. (2016). The effects of embodied rhythm and robotic interventions on the spontaneous and responsive verbal communication skills of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A further outcome of a pilot randomized controlled trial. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 27, Wan, C. Y., Bazen, L., Baars, R., Libenson, A., Zipse, L., Zuk, J., ... & Schlaug, G. (2011). Auditory-motor mapping training as an intervention to facilitate speech output in non-verbal children with autism: a proof of concept study. PloS one, 6(9), e25505. Study Findings Faster rate of improvement than seen with traditional therapy (Sandiford, Mainess, & Daher, 2013) Significant improvement in number of words spoken at home, suggesting generalization of skills (Sandiford, Mainess, & Daher, 2013) More verbal attempts made compared to children in control group (Sandiford, Mainess, & Daher, 2013) Music combined with ABA VB was effective for productions of all four ABA verbal operants (e.g., mand, tact, echoic, & intraverbal); however, it was most effective in eliciting echoic productions (Lim & Draper, 2011)

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