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Mar 14th, 2007 produced by Chang Jie.

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1 Mar 14th, 2007 produced by Chang Jie

2 Let’s look at the beautiful scenery

3 sheep Capital--Wellington hot spring volcano forest



6 Listen to the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
How many islands New Zealand is made up of ? What are they ? (2) What is The North Island famous for ? (3) What is the name of the earliest New Zealand people? (4) Where did they come from? (5) What did early travellers bring with them? (6) When did Chinese sailors discovered the islands? (7) Who named the islands New Zealand in 1642? (8) When did British people start to settle in New Zealand? (9) How many Europeans had come to settle in New Zealand by 1840?

7 answers (1) How many islands New Zealand is made up of ? What are they ? New Zealand is made up of two islands: North Island and South Island. (2) What is The North Island famous for ? An area of hot springs (3) What is the name of the earliest New Zealand people? Maori.

8 (4) Where did they come from?
Polynesia. (5) What did early travellers bring with them? Dogs, rats and plants (like the sweet potato). (6) When did Chinese sailors discovered the islands? Around 1421.

9 (7) Who named the islands New Zealand in 1642?
The Dutchman Abel Tasman (8) When did British people start to settle in New Zealand? In 1769 (9) How many Europeans had come to settle in New Zealand by 1840? About 2,000

10 Skimming Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 geography
1. Read the text silently and fast to get general idea of each paragraph Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 geography climate natural beauty history

11 Look at the map, write down the names of five islands.
Taiwan Hainan Hawaii The Philippines New Zealand

12 Australia New Zealand New Zealand is an island that lies off the eastern coast of Australia

13 Tasman Sea Pacific Ocean (1) geography North Island South Island
Auckland Tasman Sea Pacific Ocean Wellington South Island Christchurch Queenstown

14 climate New Zealand has a mild climate, while the north is subtropical. It rains quite a lot. The warmest months are December to February. The coldest months are June to August. Rain: Climate: North: The warmest months: The coldest months: mild subtropical quite a lot 12-2 6-8

15 bay (3) Natural beauty deep harbour deep blue hot spring
natural landscape dead volcanoes kiwi

16 (4) History The first people (the Maori) came to New Zealand.
about 1000 years ago around 1421 in 1642 in 1769 by 1840 The first people (the Maori) came to New Zealand. Chinese sailors discovered the islands. The Dutchman Abel Tasman named the islands New Zealand. Captain James Cook took possession of the islands. The Maori signed an agreement with the European settlers.

17 2. What do the words in bold refer to?
1.It 2.Which 3.this heat 4.These settlers New Zealand hot springs The heat near the earth’s surface European /British settlers England

18 Consolidation off made mild rains surrounded harbour landscape springs
New Zealand ,which lies ____ the eastern coast of Australia, is ______ up of two large islands. It has a _____ sea climate. And it ______quite a lot. New Zealand is __________ by seas and oceans. And many of its cities lie on a bay and have a natural deep ________. The ____________in New Zealand is very beautiful with green hills and mountains. The North Island is famous for its hot _________. There are many plants and animals_______ only live in New Zealand. The earliest _________ in New Zealand were the Maori. Around the year 1421, Chinese sailors __________ the islands by chance ____ one of their voyages. In 1769, Captain Cook took ___________ of the islands . By 1840, the Maori ________ an agreement with the British settlers. Consolidation off made mild rains surrounded harbour landscape springs that people discovered on signed possession

19 VI. Homework 1. Go over the Reading and preview the Integrating Skills. 2. Write down the retelling of New Zealand in about 100 words. .


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