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Recognise Healthy Body Systems In a Health Care Context

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1 Recognise Healthy Body Systems In a Health Care Context

2 Definition of health What is the definition of health …?
Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease.

3 Disease and illness What is the definition of disease …..?
Disruption in the normal structure or function of any aspect of a person, mind, body and emotions. Illness signals an imbalance in the body between internal and external environment.

4 Disease and illness Pathogens Genetic conditions Birth defects
Any micro-organism capable of causing disease Bacteria Virus Genetic conditions Inherited Hemophilia Birth defects Present at birth or environmental Cleft palate Thalidomide

5 Disease and illness Nutritional deficiencies Trauma Toxins
Iron deficient anaemia Trauma Physical injury of cells or tissues MVA Toxins Poison Environmental factors Alcohol/drugs Degenerative changes Age, cancer

6 Prevention of disease Resistance may be due to age and health
Primary prevention Remove risk factors Immunisation Secondary prevention Detect before symptoms Pap smear Tertiary prevention Reduce complications Clinical intervention

7 Orientation to human body
There is a specific language of anatomy that is used to describe and locate Turn to page 5 (Recognise Healthy Body Systems) and complete activity 1.1

8 Orientation to human body
Levels of structural organisation Chemical level Atoms combine to form molecules Cellular level Smallest units of all living things Tissue level Formed by groups of cells with similar functions Organ level Organs are made up of different types of tissue

9 Orientation to human body
Levels of structural organisation Systems level Organs working together to perform specific functions Organism level All organs systems working together to make the living body Turn to page 7 and complete activity 1.2

10 Human life processes Functions necessary to maintain life
Maintaining boundaries Integumentary system Movement Musculo skeletal Cardiovascular Sensitivity or responsiveness Nervous system Endocrine system

11 Human life processes Functions necessary to maintain life Digestion
Digestive system Metabolism Endocrine system Excretion Urinary system Skin

12 Human life processes Functions necessary to maintain life Reproduction
Reproductive system Growth Endocrine system Respiration Respiratory system

13 Human life processes

14 Human life processes Homeostasis
The ability of the body to maintain an internal balance

15 Anatomical terms The anatomical position The body is standing erect,
facing forward with the upper extremities at the side palms of the hands face forward with thumbs pointing away from the body feet are slightly apart and flat on the floor

16 Anatomical position

17 Anatomical terms Body is also divided into parts using imaginary lines
Sagittal plane Divides the body equally into left and right Frontal plane Divides the body into front and back halves Transverse plane Divides the body into upper and lower parts

18 Anatomical terms Body is divided into parts using imaginary lines
Turn to page 9 and complete activity 1.3

19 Anatomical terms Body cavities are the spaces in the body that contain and protect internal organs Dorsal cavity Subdivided into cranial cavity and spinal cavity Ventral cavity Separated into thoracic cavity and abdomino-pelvic cavity

20 Anatomical terms

21 Anatomical terms Quadrants Further divide the abdominal cavity
Right upper quadrant Left upper quadrant Right lower quadrant Left lower quadrant

22 Anatomical terms Regions Right hypochondriac Epigastric
Left hypochondriac Right lumbar Umbilical Left lumbar Right iliac Hypogastric Left iliac

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