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Tiffany Lee-Parker, PhD Denise Bowen, MA, PA-C Stephen E. Craig, PhD

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Presentation on theme: "Tiffany Lee-Parker, PhD Denise Bowen, MA, PA-C Stephen E. Craig, PhD"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tiffany Lee-Parker, PhD Denise Bowen, MA, PA-C Stephen E. Craig, PhD
SBIRT Training Tiffany Lee-Parker, PhD Denise Bowen, MA, PA-C Stephen E. Craig, PhD

2 SBIRT Training: 2nd Class Overview
Discuss AUDIT Discuss SBIRT Proficiency Checklist Old Video – Use Checklist Roleplay – Use SBIRT in Groups of 3 New Video – Use Checklist Discuss 30 day follow up survey/Certificate Videotaped role plays and feedback sessions Take posttest and satisfaction surveys

3 Review the AUDIT Let’s look at the AUDIT in more detail.
In your roleplays today, you will be provided a completed AUDIT by your mock client. You must interpret the results and use the results in your implementation of SBIRT. Let’s look at the AUDIT in more detail.

4 AUDIT An intervention based on “motivational interviewing” strategies
Screening: Universal screening for quickly assessing use and severity of alcohol; illicit drugs; and prescription drug use, misuse, and abuse Brief Intervention: Brief motivational and awareness-raising intervention given to risky or problematic substance users Referral to Treatment: Referrals to specialty care for clients/patients with substance use disorders Treatment may consist of brief treatment or specialty AOD (alcohol and other drugs) treatment.

5 SBIRT Proficiency Checklist
You will be using this checklist in your roleplays today. Let’s review the form in more detail.

6 What health concerns are associated with substance use?
Health Impacts What health concerns are associated with substance use?

7 Health Impacts of Problematic Substance Use
Hypertension, heart disease Liver disease, gastritis, pancreatitis Depression, anxiety, sleep dysfunction Risk for breast, colon, esophageal, head, and neck cancers HIV/AIDS, other STIs, and other infectious diseases Trauma, disability

8 VIDEO Watch this video and use the checklist to rate the counselor’s use of SBIRT skills We will discuss the results as a class SBIRT Video Link - Alcohol Use Note: SBir7sB1Rt

9 VIDEO- Review Checklist

10 ROLEPLAY In groups of 3, you will take turns using SBIRT as a therapist, acting as a client, and rating the use of SBIRT as an observer. Each roleplay will be 10 minutes in length, with 5 minutes of feedback from the observer. As the observer, you will assess the use of SBIRT with the checklist. Introduction of role play

Matt is a 35 year old Caucasian male who was recently referred to your office by his probation officer. A few months ago, Matt was arrested after police discovered him passed out in a parking lot next to his vehicle. Upon questioning, Matt became aggressive with the officer and was subsequently arrested, charged, and convicted for public intoxication and resisting arrest. One of the conditions of his probation is that he attend 10 counseling sessions with a licensed mental health professional. Matt is adamant that he does not have a substance use problem and reluctantly agrees to complete counseling sessions instead of incarceration. Upon intake, Matt indicated that he only drinks a six-pack of beer 2-3 days per week and may “have a few cocktails on the weekend.” His AUDIT score (see instrument) is a 17. For the role play, one of you will play the role of Matt, one of you will play the role of counselor, and one of you will play the role of observer/rater. The counselor is tasked with working their way through the screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment protocol in a 10-minute role play. The observer will use the proficiency checklist to assess those elements of SBIRT that are observed or not observed. A 5-minute feedback time will allow the observer to share the results with the counselor.


13 Video – Counseling Setting
Now, we will view another video. You will have the checklist to complete with a partner while video is playing. We will discuss the results as a class. Motivational Interviewing Video

14 Video – CECP Student Example

15 Thank You Any questions or comments?
30 day follow-up survey on your training and certificate of training. Complete post-test and satisfaction surveys. The students who will be participating in the research study, please schedule your feedback session with Drew Clay.

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