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Good Morning  Please be sure to take care of your belongings.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning  Please be sure to take care of your belongings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning  Please be sure to take care of your belongings.
Turn around and face the back ready for announcements. If you come in late, just have a seat. You may sign the tardy log and take care of your belongings AFTER announcements.

2 Digital Information Technology 11/1/16
Essential Questions: What are the skills needed for effectively navigating the Internet? Open eMarion, click the link for Use, Configurations, and Web Tools. Be sure to read the Standards first, then click on the GCF link and read the passage #1 basics: Introduction to . In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, compare and contrast with regular USPS mail. I will demonstrate my knowledge of the correct technique. I will improve my knowledge of the keys. I will demonstrate browser configuration. I will demonstrate proficiency using basic Internet features. I will describe information technology terminology. I will demonstrate proficiency using search engines and search tools. I will use various web tools.

3 Digital Information Technology 11/1/16
Standards: 4.01 – Develop keyboarding skills to enter and manipulate text and data. 13.01 – Demonstrate how to connect to the Internet and use appropriate Internet protocol. Identify and describe web terminology, addresses and how browsers work. 13.02 – Demonstrate proficiency using basic features of GUI browsers, including: Bookmarks, basic configurations, configurations, and address books. Describe appropriate browser security configurations. 13.03 – Describe information technology terminology, including Internet, intranet, ethics, copyright laws, and regulatory control. 13.04 – Demonstrate proficiency using search engines and search tools. 13.05 – Use various web tools, including: downloading files, transfer of files, telnet, PDF, plug0ins, and data compression. Identify Boolean search strategies. 13.06 – Understand and apply level one Universal Resource Locator (URL) and associated protocols. (e.g., com, org, edu, gov, net, mil) 17.0 – Demonstrate comprehension and communication skills

4 Digital Information Technology 11/1/16
eMarion Internet Tab: Use, Configurations, and Web Tools Read #3 – Contacts and Calendars Add info to your Internet Notes (binder page # 3) Read Violations Can Jeopardize Your Job Add info to your Internet Notes (binder page #3) We will take a quiz on Thursday/Friday on this info; open notes  MicroType 5 Assignments NUMERIC Lessons 1-8 due date November 3rd or 4th Exit Activity: What do you think the most important thing is that we need to remember from the Internet section and why?

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