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FY16 Fall EMIS Checklist Training

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1 FY16 Fall EMIS Checklist Training
Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Presented by: HCCA

2 The following presentation is not meant to be a comprehensive overview of EMIS Reporting for FY16. We will be highlighting various aspects of the Traditional First ‘S’ Window, the First SOES Window, and the First Staff/Calendar ‘L’ Window. The EMIS Manual should be referred to for official guidelines on reporting.

3 Current Reporting Windows
Currently Open: FY15 End of Year Student (S) FY15 Final Calendar (C) FY15 Fall 3rd Grade Reading (A) FY15 Spring 3rd Grade Reading (A) FY15 March Follow-up (D) FY16 Student Cross Reference (S) FY16 Initial Calendar (C)

4 Upcoming Reporting Windows
FY15 Staff (L) Second Window – “L2” FY15 Graduate (G) FY15 Various Assessment Windows (OGT, ELA, CTE, etc.) FY16 Beginning of Year Student (S) FY16 Staff (L) First Window

5 General Updates Most FY15 Periods open until November 24th
Exceptions – March Follow-up, OTELA Once FY15(L) re-opens, they’ll push out new CTE reports Missing Reports will be available for each Assessment (within the Data Collector) If you correct “S” or “L” data to correct a “missing” issue, you’ll need to resubmit that data and wait until the following day (after processing) to see the update on the missing report.

6 General Updates Processing Schedules for FY15 and FY16 to be released
ODE Processing Daily processing is still occurring at 5:00 p.m. The latest thing you submit on a given day will be what is processed. ODE has plans to begin processing multiple times per day Nightly transfers from StudentInformation to Data Collector

7 FY16 Changes Discipline Reporting
Was there a “victim” of the incident? Need to start tracking Will not be individual (will be by group type) Student Teacher or Staff Member Neither student nor staff member

8 FY16 Changes New Gifted information on report card
Currently, service reported at high level Need to improve calculation of served student FTE FD record? Program Code dates? WEP dates? Service dates on GG record?

9 FY16 Changes College Credit Plus Very similar to PSEO
Will use PS course code CCP is now the only way to do dual credit as a district Remember to report updated credits once course is complete Split % of time on FS record based on graduation units District receives funding for that sent % of time Course reported by LEA that planned it if more than 1 LEA, else by “main” district.

10 FY16 Changes Funding for CCP
By law, funding driven by data from college District and college can negotiate a rate per credit hour, else use state default Taught on-campus Taught in high school with college instructor Taught in high school with HS instructor approved by college Cost will be deducted from foundation payment Process spelled out in OAC Colleges submit enrollment, course, and fee information within 15 days of start of course ODE processes data and presents to resident district, JVS, community school, or STEM ODE will compare to FS data and course data for likely match If LEA does not object, student will be funded

11 FY16 Changes ODDEX Module for CCP
Data from colleges will be added to new ODDEX module Course enrollment data Negotiated funding data or default Data in ODDEX will indicate if the data matches data reported by the LEA LEA will have 45 days to review enrollments Is the student yours? Is the student enrolled in CCP? If an issue, place a flag and comment on the issue Higher ed will update the data, and a new 45 days will begin Data will be full union based on…. Higher Ed and LEA together where SSID matches Higher Ed only if SSID not reported on FS by LEA LEA only if PS course reported but student not reported by Higher Ed institution Each enrollment will have a score based on degree of match

12 FY16 Changes SSID on Transcript Higher Ed must have the SSID
Transcript at time of application to college is the best way to provide this If Higher Ed still needs, you can give it to them securely (for example, don’t put the name and SSID together in an message. Sending via snail mail would be okay).

13 First Reporting Window (S):
For Traditional Districts, JVSDs, and ESCs & for Community/STEM schools (First SOES window)

14 General Fall Reminders
Don’t forget about… Services only students Resident home-school students who receive services Preschool Special Education Students JPS Students Non-preschool students who attend the ESC PS students found to be ineligible

15 General Fall Reminders
Verify student admission and withdrawals Remember that admission date and withdrawal date are both considered days of attendance. Take this into consideration when working to resolve overlapping admission issues with other districts. Level 2 reports, Student Cross Reference (SCR), Shared Student Data (StudentInformation), Custom Reports

16 SSIDs Enter all elements correctly at time of enrollment
Student Locator Investigate and resolve issues where duplicate SSIDs exist Use official documentation

17 Race/Ethnicity All newly enrolled students or students whose District of Residence change must have their Race/Ethnicity recollected Two part question

18 Race/Ethnicity

19 Student Percent of Time
Part-time student situations Students placed out JVSD Students (full-time, part-time, satellite) CCP Situations (both full and part-time) How do you divide up the percent of time?

20 Attendance Make sure students are on the correct calendars in your student software package Excused absences are days the enrolled student was absent for excused reasons Unexcused absences are days the student was absent in the district for any reasons not listed as excused, including truancy Consult and review Section of EMIS Manual Maintain preferred documentation for all withdrawal codes used

21 Disability Condition Make sure you’re reporting the correct disability conditions for students with disabilities on the FD record Newly identified students Students exiting special education Funding implications

22 Special Education Event Records
Report all events that occur from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. It’s possible that a student with a disability might not have an event reported in the earlier ‘S’ windows Newly enrolled students – possible to have an event record with a date prior to July 1, 2015

23 Updated October IEP Outcome
Formerly the “Updated December 1 IEP Outcome” Used when there’s a change in LRE since most recent IEP as of October 31st

24 Special Education Graduation Requirement Records
Reported whenever an IEP determination is made to add, confirm, or cancel an exemption from the consequences of any graduation assessment and/or individual graduation assessment areas. If reporting the granting of an exemption, it is to be reported in the first school year of the IEP determination and every year thereafter. Must have a matching GE record StudentInformation Districts (don’t confuse this with the “Required for Graduation” checkbox on assessment records)

25 Disadvantagement Economically Disadvantaged:
Students known to be eligible to receive free or reduced- price lunch Students who are residents of a household in which a member is eligible for free or reduced-price lunch Students who are known to be recipients of or whose guardians are known to be recipients of public assistance Students whose parents or guardians have completed a Title I student income form and meet the income guidelines specified

26 FD Student Attributes Update Disadvantagement
Ensure that disability conditions are reported correctly 504 Plans LEP Record Field Number Data Element FD060 Effective Start Date FD070 Effective End Date FD090 State Equivalent Grade Level FD100 Attendance Pattern FD110 Disadvantagement FD120 Preschool Poverty Level FD130 Disability Condition FD140 Student being served by 504 Plan FD150 Homeless Status FD160 Homeless Unaccompanied Youth FD170 Limited English Proficiency FD180 Migrant Status FD190 Foreign Exchange Student Graduation Plan FD200 Immigrant Status

27 Other FD Fields Homeless Status LEP Status Update accordingly
Request information from person responsible in your district Attendance Pattern This and grade level are what tie a student to a specific calendar

28 Fiscal Year Began 9th Grade
Not reported in the first window Update all incoming freshmen Don’t mistakenly change values for retained 9th graders

29 County of Residence Used for the Casino Count
Rule of thumb: Where does the student sleep at night? Be sure to report any changes in this element as they occur October 9, Data to be collected as of a point in December

30 Third Grade Reading Guarantee (TGRG)
Reading Diagnostic (Grades K-3) Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plans (RIMP’s) are required for students identified as “Assessed, Not on Track” (“NO”). Entered as a program code (from section 2.9 of EMIS manual). Math Diagnostic (Grades 1, & 2) Writing Diagnostic (Grades 1, 2, & 3) Must be administered by Sept. 30, 2015 – or within 30 days of enrollment May use diagnostic results from prior district – if available. If not, must use locally defined diagnostic tool.

31 Student Program Records
Review Section 2.9 of the EMIS Manual for complete listing Don’t forget to report the RIMP codes Gifted program codes LEP Codes

32 Organization – General Information Records
The following attributes on the DN record are to be reported during the first ‘S’ reporting window at the district level: C_STUEEPOL (Community Schools only) INFOTECIRN (Reporting ITC IRN) STUKGBRDAY (Date student is required to be five years old to be admitted to KG) STULNCHFRE (Building count of students eligible for free lunches) STULNCHRDC (Building count of students eligible for reduced price lunch) STULCHNOT (NEW for FY16; Indicates students are not offered lunch) STUELGEXAC (Amount of time student is required to attend district to be eligible for extracurricular activities) STUHOMESCL (Count of home schooled resident students) STUNPNTSRV (Count of Res/Non-Res, Non-Public students within boundaries eligible for Spec Ed Services but not served by the district)

33 Organization – General Information Records
The following attributes on the DN record are to be reported during the first ‘S’ reporting window at the district level: TFRPSESCYS (Valid IRN of Traditional district or ESC if an ESC is providing PS special ed services for resident children and the district has authorized ODE to transfer funds to ESC) TFRPSESCNO (Valid IRN of Traditional district or ESC if an ESC is providing PS special ed services for resident children and the district has NOT authorized ODE to transfer funds to ESC) TRANSPTCNT (Count of qualified riders; see T-1 report) TRANSPTMIL (District’s total number of miles driven; see T-1 report) Comprehensive Eye Exam Values are a “summative” count, which apply to special education students only

34 Community School Reminders
Student Contact (FF) Records Student Contact Address (FG) Records Can now report changes in this value by reporting multiple records Student Transportation (FP) Records Attending District IRN Last Year Element (FN400) Early Entrance to Kindergarten Policy (DN – C_STUEEPOL)

35 Staff / Course (L) Reporting Window

36 So I’m confused……. The second Staff (L) window for FY15 isn’t closed yet? The first Staff (L) window for FY16 isn’t open yet? Flat file or SIF? And…. Did Karen tell me more than once to use the remote????

37 FY16 Staff Reporting Staff Demographic (CI) – collected via SIF for USPS districts Staff Employment (CK) – collected via SIF for USPS districts Don’t forget to report CC and CJ records USPS districts will need to enter these records in USPSWeb and then run the USPEMS routine to generate the file before running a transfer routine from the Alpha

38 FY16 Staff Reporting Be sure to report Supplemental position type records in this first “L” window. Position Status “U” is still valid Should not be reported if the staff member has worked at all during the current year Should be reported for staff whose separation was not reported in the prior period but who have not worked any days in the current year “U” does not apply to supplemental positions

39 Course Reporting Don’t forget to re-code any courses that contain invalid subject codes INVSUBJ Collect and report HQT values Teacher HQT worksheets (found in StudentInformation) Principal Recording Sheet (found in Custom Reports) Report all courses for Students and Staff Vocational Mapping and Vocational Correlated Records (CTE Only)

40 General Staff/Course Reporting Updates
CTE Level 2 Reports to be released once 15L opens up. The max hours issue should be fixed Should I run Wipe and New? Add Missing Explained Now would be a good time to clean up staff in your Student software, verify addresses, and credential IDs (important for Roster Verification)

41 StudentInformation - Reminders

42 Verify Non-Reportable Students

43 Fiscal Year Began 9th Create an ad-hoc containing new 9th graders
Be sure to exclude any retainees Use Student Profile Bulk Update to update the value on the FN-Attributes tab to “2016”

44 CTE Management Page

45 Grad Requirement Tab

46 Grad Requirement Tab Don’t confuse the Grad Requirement Record with the “Required for Graduation” value that’s housed on the assessment screen. This latter value is not used for EMIS Reporting. It is used within StudentInformation for Who Needs It, Graduation Eligibility, and Transcripts.


48 DN Records

49 DN Records (Community Schools Only)

50 Student Transportation (FP)
(Community Schools Only)

51 Attending District IRN Last October
(Community Schools Only)

52 StudentInformation Processes
Student Verification (UNCLEMIS) ATTUPEMIS Runs automatically each night Can also be run manually CHECK_EMIS CLISEMIS/CTRMEMIS INVSUBJ Wipe and New

53 Updating HQT

54 Transfers

55 Transfers

56 Transfers

57 Calendars Demonstration
Staff Professional Days before and after the school year no longer handled via the EMIS Manual Exception page. Calendar Exception Management Calendar Bulk Exception Management OR……

58 Questions?

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