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Vocab List 22.

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1 Vocab List 22

2 Word Roots in Word mollify moll fy ichthyologist ichthy logy ist polyglot poly glot diaphanous dia phan ous somniferous somn fer ous sinecure sine cur soliloquy sol loqu adherent ad here abjure ab jur caustic caust confluence con flu depose de pos egomania ego mania Definition of Word: make soft fish scientist multi-linguist semitransparent bringing sleep an easy lucrative job speech to oneself supporter renounce burning a flowing together topple from power self-obsession

3 Word Roots in Word egregious greg ous analgesic an algia chiromancy chiro oligarchy oligo archy intractable in tract intransigent in trans perfidious per fid ous perspicuous per ous ingenuous in gen ous circumlocution circum loqu tion gregarious greg ous discursive dis curs Definition of Word: blatant painkiller palm reading government by a few stubborn not compromising treacherous brilliantly clear innocent and naive talking in circles sociable rambling

4 List 22 Sentences Directions: Fill in the blanks with the best word from the list.
ichthyologist somniferous discursive deposed soliloquy egomaniac mollify caustic oligarchy analgesic polyglot abjure confluence 1. Take an extra-strength __________ for the headache. 2. The __________ studied both modern and prehistoric trout. 3. She is a brilliant __________ who speaks seven languages. 4. The offensive __________ praised himself. 5. The __________ speech put him to sleep. 6. It was an illogical, __________ speech. 7. Hamlet’s famous __________ is a question. 8. It can be difficult to __________ someone’s anger. 9. To __________ one’s former beliefs is stressful. 10. The __________ comments about her clothes hurt her. 11. The solution was formed by a __________ of other ideas. 12. The dictator was __________ without violence. 13. The few members of the corrupt Greek __________ kept control. analgesic ichthyologist polyglot egomaniac somniferous discursive soliloquy mollify abjure caustic confluence deposed oligarchy

5 List 22 Sentences Directions: Fill in the blanks with the best word from the list.
intransigent perfidious chiromancy circumlocution intractable perspicuous gregarious sinecure egregious ingenuous diaphanous adherents egregious 14. It was an __________ act of vandalism. 15. The __________ true believers wouldn’t budge. 16. Try to divine the future through __________. 17. Look through the __________ draperies. 18. The bigot’s __________ opinions were unchangeable. 19. His __________ cowardice made him infamous. 20. The _________ of a militaristic foreign policy want war. 21. Her __________ essay won her the scholarship. 22. The __________—but not ingenious—girl believed it. 23. He used a __________ to avoid answering the question. 24. He has a friendly, __________ personality. 25. He has a comfortable __________ in his uncle’s firm. intransigent chiromancy diaphanous intractable perfidious adherents perspicuous ingenuous circumlocution gregarious sinecure

6 List 22 Mystery Questions Answer and add reasoning:
Is a person who is fluent in English only a polyglot? Are Democrats usually adherents of Republican proposals? Is Benedict Arnold known for his perfidious behavior? Is chiromancy a recognized science? Is Advil an example of an analgesic? Do most people enjoy spending time with an egomaniac? Could you use circumlocution to avoid answering a question? Is a discursive speech interesting and entertaining? Is democracy a form of oligarchy? Would you rather have a gregarious or misanthropic host?

7 INTUITI O N Write a story about an ingenuous young fellow who arrives in the city and is soon parted with his money by quick-talking sharks who take advantage of his lack of experience that explains how they cheat him and what he does in response. ANALYSIS: Why does intractable mean stubborn, depose mean topple from power, adherent mean supporter, polyglot mean multi-linguist, and discursive mean rambling? Explain in a sentence for each word.

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