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2 Thucydides Athenian Historian & General 460-400 BC
ATHENS vs SPARTA – THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR Thucydides Athenian Historian & General BC Wrote the “History of the Peloponnesian War” “Father of Scientific History” Thorough evidence-gathering Not interested in the role of the “Gods” Unbiased He was there: Peloponnesian War 431–404 BC Thucydides vs Herodotus To hear this history rehearsed, for that there be inserted in it no fables, shall be perhaps not delightful. But he that desires to look into the truth of things done, and which (according to the condition of humanity) may be done again, or at least their like, shall find enough herein to make him think it profitable. And it is compiled rather for an everlasting possession than to be rehearsed for a prize.  Herodotus wanted to tell a story/ entertain- Moral Lesson Thucydides wanted to record accurate accounts to inform- Human Nature


Upper class had all of the power, Helots (slaves) did the majority of the work All citizens are equal, but women & slaves were not citizens Education is focused on military strategies & war Education is focused on physical & mental skills Juries selected by pop., very large and decided verdict by secret ballot Judicial system is run by the King No real aspirations of expansion in Greece Sought to expand & control other city-states of Greece The war began as a result of Athens's want of expansion

5 Peloponnesian League (Sparta) Main Land City-States
ATHENS vs SPARTA – THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR Peloponnesian League (Sparta) Main Land City-States Delian League (Athens) Fight the Persians Naval Power Conflict between Megara & Corinth- 449 BC Athens aided Megara 15-years of war 30 Year Peace Signed Athens & Sparta


7 Athens started to expand and oppress allies & enemies
ATHENS vs SPARTA – THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR Athens started to expand and oppress allies & enemies Enemies: Sparta, Peloponnesian League, Macedonia, Persia, & Athenian Allies Athens’s Navy allowed them to expand and control allies/ colonies Athens’s leader Pericles knew the peace treaty wouldn’t last.

8 Pericles Athenian Leader- “First Citizen of Athens”
ATHENS vs SPARTA – THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR Pericles Athenian Leader- “First Citizen of Athens” Turned Athens into an Empire- Lead the People Athens could not match Sparta’s Army, routinely invaded Attica Pericles had a wall built between Athens & Sea port Sparta was unable to cut off access to the Sea- ineffective siege

9 Pericles Athens could behave like an Island
ATHENS vs SPARTA – THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR Pericles Athens could behave like an Island Disease spread within walls, killed Athenians Pericles died of the Plague in 429 BC

Head to Head Each side used their military strength to attack the other Sparta used its large army to ravage Athens's surrounding country-side Athens’s navy attacked the coast & transported small land forces quickly Navy forced Sparta to keep part of army at home never able to fight a decisive battle

11 Phase 1: Archidamian War Sparta invades Attica
ATHENS vs SPARTA – THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR 3 Phases of the War Phase 1: Archidamian War Sparta invades Attica Athens raids coast & suffers plague Truce after 10 years Athenian Long Walls Phase 2: The Peace of Nicias Both sides lose leaders, forced to regroup Minor skirmishes Sparta’s inactivity lead to allies revolting (Argos)

12 Sicily, (Athens ally) under attack from Syracuse
ATHENS vs SPARTA – THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR 3 Phases of the War Phase 3: Decelean War Sicily, (Athens ally) under attack from Syracuse Athens launches attack after attack- all unsuccessful Athens’s land & naval forces annihilated Sparta & allies don’t go for the kill Athens recovers, Navy rebuilt Many gifted Athenian Naval commanders executed after successful battle- ran away from storm With support of Persia, Sparta defeats Athens at Sea

13 Without Navy, Athens cut off from allies/ supplies
ATHENS vs SPARTA – THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR The End of Athens Without Navy, Athens cut off from allies/ supplies Siege now in full effect, Athens and allies surrender Walls, Fleet, and overseas holdings stripped Sparta allies want city destroyed, population enslaved Sparta recalls Athens’s previous efforts when Greece was under attack- opts to include them in their system Sparta install 30 Tyrants, Democracy suspended- overthrown by Athens after a year Athens & Sparta are weakened by conflict, rivalry remains Remain significant players until  Philip II of Macedon conquered all of Greece except Sparta

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