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Summary of the D_R&D projects in 2006
Junji Haba KEK
Projects D_R&D_1: A common R&D on the new generation detector for the ILC D_R&D_2: R&D and Application of TPC technology D_R&D_3: R&D for new photon detector D_R&D_4: R&D on the new generation of large area Si tracking system D_R&D_6: R&D on liquid xenon detector technology
Collaboration matrix ILC LHC T2K B others TPC O Photon PET Si LIq. Xe
Mton others TPC O Double beta PET Photon PET Si LIq. Xe ASIC/electronics HPK Double Chooz PET
ILC – International Linear Collider
3 designs out of 4 chose a TPC as a main tracker The R&D is carried out worldwide by the LC-TPC collaboration P. Colas
Micromegas and GEM S1 P. Colas
Micromegas : a micromesh supported by mm - high insulating pillars. Multiplication takes place between the anode and the mesh. One stage GEM: Two copper perforated foils separated by an insulator (50 mm) Multiplication takes place in the holes. Usually used in 2 or 3 stages, even 4 S1 S2 200 mm P. Colas
France-Japan meeting(s) in Paris in September 2006, followed by a 3-day endplate meeting with a large Japanese attendance (K. Fujii, Y. Kato, H. Kuroiwa, T. Matsuda, A. Sugiyama) For the first time, a french attendance at the japanese MPGD meeting in Saga, in January 2007 (D. Attié, P. Colas) Participation of K. Fujii in a TPC analysis “Jamboree” in Aix-la-Chapelle, March 2007 P. Colas
The CF4 “saga” We tried to take data with Ar CF4
The detector was very unstable, very different from what we had in Saclay, with afterpulses. We suspected Japanese CF4 to be different from European CF4 After a complicated exchange of bottles and careful gas analyses, the two gases were shown to be the same The difference was traced to the presence of impurities in the gas system in Saclay, quenching UVs An admixture of 2% isobutane was found to be enough to stop the UVs and stabilise the operation. This gas Ar CF4 isobutane (fast, low diffusion) is likely to be used by T2K and is favored for the ILC. It is being tested in KEK. P. Colas
Extrapolation to ILC-TPC
Conclusion: even with 1mm pitch, Micromegas with standard pads would not quite fulfill the requirement of better than 130 micron point resolution. However with a resisitive foil and 2.3 mm pads, this goal is largerly attained (red curve). P. Colas
The T2K 280m TPC First large TPC with micropattern readout P0D TPC TPC
Active target Magnet + Side-MRD EM calorimeter Instrument 6 read-out planes (0.7x2.5 m**2) Total drift distance 1 m B=0.2 T E=200V/cm Pad size: 0.7x0.9 cm P0D TPC TPC TPC Pb-P0D FGD+H2O FGD EM calorimeter Muon ID hodoscope EM calorimeter Magnet + Side-MRD Requirements : σ(p)/p < 10 1 GeV/c dE/dx capability(10%) separate e from μ Momentum scale: 2 % FJPPL KEK May Marco Zito
Bulk Micromegas FJPPL KEK May Marco Zito
Micromegas Modules First large Micromegas module produced at CERN 36cm
FJPPL KEK May Marco Zito
Photon sensor FJPPL KEK May Marco Zito
Mton Water Cherenkov Detectors under Consideration
Hyper-Kamiokande Mton Water Cherenkov Detectors under Consideration TRE MEMPHYS
Large area photodetection requirements
Single photoelectron sensitivity Excellent time resolution ~100 ps High granularity Scalability Low cost Profit from progress in micro-electronics and DAQ ! Many issues in common with HPD or large PMs developments by KEK
R&D -two direction- France Japan Photon detector R&D
Readout system R&D Photocathode Scint PMT Hybrid Photon Detector HybridPMT PMT Low noise Preamp ASIC on HPD + Q-T/waveform recoder ASIC Multichannel FE ASIC, close to the PMTs M. Tanaka
Calorimeter in the GLD concept (GLD-ECAL is also known as SCECAL in CALICE)
Sampling calorimeter with Pb/W - scintillator sandwich structure with WLSF readout Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) needs particle separation in the calorimeter Fine granularity with strip/tile scintillator Huge number of readout channels ~10M (ECAL) + 4M (HCAL) ! 10K for muon detector Used inside 3 Tesla solenoid use MPPC as photon sensor (multi-pixel avalanche photodiode developed by HPK) Problem: How to read out such huge number of MPPCs ? K. Kawagoe
R&D on UV detector G(Gaseous)PM : 1 inch PMT :
Collaboration founded by French Ministry for Foreign Affairs Developed by T.Doke et al. for liquid xenon TOF-PET 27mm Gas-Avalanche Charge induction R AL12S-ASSY In test inside the prototype from June 2007 HPD : Under discussion with PHOTONIS-DEP Amos Breskin et al., NIM A530(2004)258 → Choice before end of 2008 D. Thers
Completed Low-BG Oil-Proof PMT design
F. Suekane
Actual “collboration” just started.
Silicon tracker Actual “collboration” just started.
Role of Silicon tracking or Silicon tracking what for?
GLD LDC 3 detector concepts & main difference: The tracking strategy=TPC Yes or No SiD
But material budget is not the ONLY reason
A. Savoy-Navaro But material budget is not the ONLY reason
SilC work program for sensor R&D
Step 1 (2007) Wafer thinning (100, 200, 300µm) Use long strips (50 µm pitch) Test new readout chips (DC coupling, power cycling) Improve standardized test structures and test setups Step 2a (2008-) Move from pitch adapter to in-sensor-routing Test crosstalk, capacitive load of those sensors Step 2b (2008-) Test 6” double sided sensors Step 2c (2008-) 8” (12”) single sided DC wafer A. Savoy-Navaro
A. Savoy-Navaro
Minimize material budget
Multiple scattering is crucial point for high-precision LC experiment Minimize multiple scattering by reduction of material budget avoid old-fashioned way (pitch adapter, FE hybrid, readout chip) Integrate pitch adapter into sensor Connectivity of strips to readout chip made by an additional oxide layer plus metal layer for signal routing Readout chip bump-bonded to sensor like for pixels OCCUPANCY
Synergies with (S)LHC From F. Hartmann’s Talk in “CMS Sensor upgrade Workshop” (Feb, CERN) revised & completed (ASN) piece development reason & realization ILC reason & realization SLHC synergy problems sensors 8" large area YES 3D has specific applications radiation hardness NO no industry standard MCz not neeed Thinning multiple scattering Vdep;power, multiple scattering, no need for thick cause CCE degradation Signal n-in-p, n-in-n not needed Depletion after SCI starts from top double sided save MB not applicable, radiation damage Not a real issue for ILC (small areas only) Strixel sensor Perhaps interesting for innermost layers (occupancy) Occupancy NO ?? To be discussed DC chip must cope with switch off and GND on strip current too high To be studied even for ILC edgeless sensors with 3D for edges no need for overlap => large area high voltage stability electronics/ chip small feature size 90/130/180nm low power consumption radiation no issue; standard libs special libs needed timing 1-3µs (slow) ~10 ns FAST electronics on chip (CMOS,bump bonding) multiple scattering; power Under development Ladders with strips≥10cm OK apart from innermost regions not usable Noise ~ C critical for SLHC Mechanics Large structure, module, new material solutions Requested for decreasing X/X0 New material and simplified construction YES YES YES Cooling and insulation Insulation from outside Strong cooling constraints some feedbacks for both Alignment High spatial precision High spatial precision Equally important for 2 YES/NO YES Simulation Important in many ways YES Test bench & beam test Important in many ways YES
Liq. Xe detector
… 3 imaging L Reconstructed cone: axis , opening angle E0
With a Compton telescope and a 3 emitter … 3 emitter L Reconstructed cone: axis , opening angle E0 1 2 - positron range LOR2D - Compton Telescope DL related to Which emitter ? Which Compton telescope ? Compton Telescope For which performances ?
Prototype for the proof of concept and for the R&D
Cryocooler Internal cryostat Cathode PMT Teflon Liquid xenon External cryostat Micromeshes and Anode Entrance window Cryogenic and xenon distribution will be presented by Tom
Liquid Xenon Compton Telescope Principle R&D for the TPC read-out …
1 individual cell detection of scintillation light => trigger time t0 Cathode PMT collection of e/i => t1, E, x, y LXe UV 12 cm 2 1 TPC : z = (t0-t1) x vdrift Z e- Y X 3 x 3 cm2 Micromegas (micromesh + anode) 44Sc g-ray R&D for the TPC read-out …
R&D on ionization detector
MICROMEGAS Y. Giomataris et al. NIMA376 (1996) Expected Induced current on anode without amplification cathode Conversion t0 E2 (AU) t0 g 511 keV 12 cm E1 Micromesh t1 t2 Ampli Spacer E1 E2 50 mm anode t0 t1 t2 Induced current shape mostly independent of altitude → First tests in liquid xenon from June with unsegmented anode to check the liquid xenon purity Associated electronic and anode segmentation : Adaptation of the IDEFIX chip, a low noise charge preamplifier for CdTe device 200 e- noise on (¼ inch)2 pixel ? → Compton tracking in 2008
ASIC and electronics Design rule finer and finer
Development cost higher and higher Necessary expertise more and more Collaborative action more and more effective and important
Readout electronics of MPPC
French group in CALICE is very powerful in this field (C. de la Taille et al.) Readout of SiW ECAL Readout of AHCAL (SiPM) Readout of DHCAL (GEM, RPC) Electronics developed for the SiPM readout of CALICE AHCAL can easily be used for the MPPC readout. cf. Electronics for the MPPC readout under development also in Japan (KEK: M.Tanaka et al.), but not yet ready. SiPM readout of AHCAL scintillator tile
Front-end ASIC “AFTER”
SCA: 76x511 Cells Technology: AMS CMOS 0.35mm Area: 7546mm x 7139 mm Submission: 24 April 2006 Delivery: end of July Package: LQFP 160 pins; Plastic dimensions: 30mm x 30mm thickness: 1.4mm pitch: 0.65mm Number of transistors: 400,000 M. Zito
MAROC : 64 ch MAPMT chip for ATLAS lumi
Similar to OPERA ROC Low input impedance ( Ω) 6 bits gain adjustment (G=0-4) per channel 64 discriminator outputs 100% sensitivity to 1/3 photoelectron (50fC). Counting rate up to 2 MHz Common threshold loaded by internal 10bit DAC (step 3mV) 1 multiplexed charge output with variable shaping ns and Track & Hold. Dynamic range : 11 bits (2fC - 5 pC) Crosstalk < 1% Hold signal Photomultiplier 64 channels Photons Variabl Gain Preamp. Variable Slow Shaper ns S&H Bipolar Fast Shaper Unipolar Gain correction 64*6bits 3 discri thresholds (3*12 bits) Multiplexed Analog charge output LUCID 3 DACs 12 bits 80 MHz encoder 64 Wilkinson 12 bit ADC 64 trigger outputs (to FPGA) Digital charge output 64 inputs Christophe de LA TAILLE
Christophe de LA TAILLE
64 channels Preamps Fast shaper 15ns Discriminators Slow shaper Track&Hold 12bit ADC 10bit DAC Bangap reference Digital formatting Silicon Germanium 0.35µm BiCMOS 16mm2 area Christophe de LA TAILLE
CONCLUSION MAROC2 fullfills most of the requirements of 2 km WC
Chip mature, used in ATLAS luminometry To be done: Time dizitization (100 psTDC) Data out “on power wire” Test on a prototype (16 PMs, 8’’) with MAROC2 foreseen shortly at IPNO Joint activities with KEK : Tests at KEK by Tanaka-san Common ASIC development : TDC, ADC, DAQ, Specific preamp for HPD Characterization of common parts Christophe de LA TAILLE
SILICON LPNHE-PARIS 180nm 130nm Picture A. Savoy-Navaro
LPNHE-PARIS Waveforms UMC CMOS 130nm Counter Wilkinson ADC Can be used for a “trigger” Ch # Analog samplers, (slow) S aiVi > th Sparsifier Channel n+1 Channel n-1 Time tag Preamp + Shapers reset Clock 3-96 MHz TARGETED Amplifier/Shaper : 20 mV/MIP Sparsifier: threshold on analog sum Sampler : 16-deep ADC : 10-bit Noise measured with 180nm CMOS : ms shaping, 120mA (preamp + shaper) A. Savoy-Navaro
Collaboration matrix ILC LHC T2K B others TPC O Photon PET Si LIq. Xe
Mton others TPC O Double beta PET Photon PET Si LIq. Xe ASIC/electronics HPK Double Chooz PET
Yes, we know they are excellent, but….
Silicon tracker (thinned, double metal..) Silicon pad APD MPPC (SiPM) PMT, MAPMT MCP-PMT HPD We should be a clever and demanding customer in any sense under the collaboartaion.
To summarize Good start of collaborations in many fields of detector R&D of FJPPL. Several outcomes have already been achieved. Horizontal collaboration among the projects might be more important in any field.
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