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Hybridization Studies: SU8, Assembly

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1 Hybridization Studies: SU8, Assembly
HV/HR-CMOS Genova Meeting 12 March 2015 Alessandro, Nanni, Valentina Indico:

2 Activities Since last meeting
Few activities going on on hybridization since last meeting ( ) Some activities suffered on missing/broken parts: Mask aligner and reactive etcher broke down (aligner should be fixed today) We have two CCPD to mount, but missing KEL connector (ordered already last year)! Software issues have blocked the test on the CCPD we received from Bonn Progresses Alessandro has worked on the optimization of the “standard” gluing process used for the CCPD chips (two made for Geneva). Polymerization of the glue following pre-curing and curing cycle Results look repetitive with good alignment in XY Ready to glue the two CCPD’s as soon we can deposit columns on two FE-I4 Valentina has done some test to obtain more uniform SU8 columns See from her…

3 New Developments Measurement of glue thickness with CV meter (HP-8240A) Deposition of metal on silicon and on glass -> Valentina Preliminary test (Alessandro) with CV-meter show reproducibility of the method.

4 UV/Thermal Curing Glue 1/2
Valentina contacted Master Bond. They propose two epoxy glues. UV15DC80LV -> looks interesting, do we have questions to Master Bond? UV15-7DC -> viscosity too high! Similar to EpoTEK and Araldite 2020. 1000 cps = 1 Pas

5 UV/Thermal Curing Glue 2/2
UV15-7DC - Typical Product Properties • Color, 75°F transparent • Viscosity, 75°F, cps ,000-4,000 • Specific gravity, 75°F • Hardness, Shore D, 75°F >70 • Tensile strength, 75°F, psi >5,000 • Tensile modulus, 75°F,psi >250,000 • Thermal expansion coefficient, 75°F, in/inx10-6/°C • Volume resistivity, 75°F,ohm-cm x1015 • Dielectric constant, 75°F,60Hz • Linear shrinkage, 75°F % • Refractive index, 75°F • Service temperature range °Fto+300°F • Shelf life at75°F, in original, unopened containers months

6 Already Tried Glues (for comparison)
Araldite 2011 Araldite 2020 Epotek 301-2 EPOLITE FH-5313 Viscosity [Pas] 30 ÷ 45 0.15 0.22 ÷ 0.45 1.97 Dielectric constant 3.4/3.2/3.2 50Hz/1kHz/10kHz ? 3.8 1kHz 4.06 100Hz Loss tangent [%] 1.7/1.8/2.6 1.2 0.1 Pot life [min] 100 40÷50 480 30 Curing time [min] 60º 60º 80º 65º Air bubbles Many Some None Rad-hard 3 MGy CERN TOB-NOTE 00.03 (Sep.2000) Studied for optical properties under limited radiation doses (BaBar) 10 Mrad Test at FNAL Extensively Qualified by SCT OK

7 Wafers for Test Hybridization
Contacted FBK for a small batch (5÷6 wafers) of 6” wafers Positive answer to produce a single layer of metal (3400 € / 5 wafer) Design masks with acquired experience in mind… Aim of these wafers Small size (1 cm2) and larger size (2x2 cm2) chips Test for SU8 deposition Test for gluing Use for test with CV

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