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Presentation on theme: "B2 REVISION – CHAPTER 1 – CELLS"— Presentation transcript:

What do plant cells have that animal cells do not? What is the function of: Nucleus – Mitochondria Ribosome Chloroplasts Cell Wall Sketch and label a plant and an animal cell; Describe how substances can move in and out of cells by diffusion Give 2 important uses of diffusion in plants, and 2 in animals Label the yeast and bacteria and write 4 bullet points about the characteristics of each one Draw and label 2 specialised cells. Explain their structure is adapted to suit their function

2 B2 REVISION – CHAPTER 1 – Tissues, organs and organ systems
A tissue is ____________________ ____________________________ What is an organ? What are the main organs of a plant? Tissue Function Animal/Plant Glandular Epithelial Epidermal Mesophyll Xylem phloem Label the image below and explain the function of each tissue What is an organ system? The digestive system’s function is Label the diagram> For each organ describe the function it performs cells Adaptations for exchange – For each one of the organs below write down the substance that is exchanged Lungs: Small intestine: Make a list of the adaptations you may see on these organs: -

What is the equation for photosynthesis Where in the plant does it occur? How are leaves adapted to perform photosynthesis? Label the different tissues in the leaf and explain their function: Explain how plants use glucose for the following: Respiration Building up molecules Storage Why do farmers want their plants to do as much photosynthesis as possible? Label the diagram below to explain which factors are being controlled? What is hydroponics? Explain how light, CO2 and temperature are limiting factors of photosynthesis 3

4 What are the 5 structures found in an animal cell?
What are the 8 structures found in a plant cell? What is the nucleus? What are ribosomes? What happens in the cytoplasm? What is the cell membrane for? What is the cell wall for? What are the mitochondria for? Name 2 specialised animals cells How are adapted for their function? Name a specialised plant cell. How is adapted for its function? What structures are found in bacteria cells? What structures are found in yeast cells? What is produced during anaerobic respiration in yeast cells? What is diffusion? What affects the rate of diffusion? What substances diffuse in/out of animal cells? What substances diffuse in/out of plant cells? What is a tissue? What is epithelial tissue for? What is muscular tissue for? What is glandular tissue for? What is an organs? Name 3 organs in the human body What is the function of the stomach? What do the tissues in the stomach do? What is an organ system? Put organ, organ system, cell and tissue in order of increasing size. What are the 4 main organs found in a plant? What does palisade mesophyll tissue do in a plant? What is photosynthesis? What is the equation for photosynthesis? How does increasing light affect the rate of photosynthesis? How do increasing carbon dioxide levels affect the rate of photosynthesis? How does increasing temperature affect the rate of photosynthesis? How does a plant use glucose? What is glucose stored as in a plant? What are nitrates? Why does a plant need nitrates? How are leaves adapted to maximise photosynthesis? What are stomata? What is xylem? What is phloem?

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