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Instructor: Çağrı Topal

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1 Instructor: Çağrı Topal
BA 4216 Cross-cultural Studies in Organizations Cross-cultural management dimensions Instructor: Çağrı Topal

2 Parochialism and Ethnocentrism
“There is only one way, which is my way” “You don’t know what you know” Ethnocentrism “There are many ways, among which mine is the best” “You don’t know what I know”

3 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Model-1
Relationships to nature Domination, subjugation, or harmony Beliefs about human nature Good, evil, or mixed Relationships among people Individualist, collateral, or hierarchical

4 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Model-2
Nature of human activity Being, doing/achieving, thinking/controlling Conception of space Private, public, mixed Conception of time Past, present, future

5 Hofstede’s model Collectivism vs. individualism
Small vs. large power distance Weak vs. strong uncertainty avoidance Femininity vs. masculinity

6 Trompenaars’s dimensions
Universalism vs. particularism Individualism vs. communitarianism Neutral vs. affective Specific vs. diffuse Achievement vs. ascription Sequential time vs. synchronic time Inner-directed vs. outer-directed

7 Schwartz’s framework Conservatism vs. autonomy
Hierarchy vs. egalitarianism Mastery vs. harmony

8 An American organization
Short-term employment and planning Individual responsibility Rapid evaluation and individual promotion Explicit and formalized control Specialized career paths Segmented concern Possible to bypass hierarchy Problem-solver managers

9 A Japanese organization
Long-term employment and planning Collective responsibility Slow evaluation and group promotion Implicit and formal control Nonspecialized career paths Holistic concern Difficult to bypass hierarchy Expert managers

10 Workforce diversity: advantages
Business in diverse marketplace Creativity and increased problem solving Flexibility and change

11 Workforce diversity: disadvantages
High convergence situations Communication and integration problems Stereotyping Gender role conflicts Culture shock

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