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WCO Management Development Programmes

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1 WCO Management Development Programmes
Riitta Passi – Capacity Building Directorate

2 Background WCO Trends and Patterns Report Customs in the 21st Century
The Global Dialogue on Customs Capacity Building and a follow-up workshop

3 Programme objectives To define a common Syllabus for Customs Managers based on the core components of the WCO PICARD Professional Standards To Identify current good practices To develop standardized models To develop and publish a Common Syllabus for Customs Managers To develop Guidelines and other Tools To deliver workshops

4 WCO Management Development Programmes

5 WCO Management Development Programmes
PICARD Programme Leadership and Management Development Workshops WCO Capacity Building Compendium Fellowship Programme

6 Leadership and Management Development Workshops
Working Group Syllabus Pilot MD Workshop

7 Syllabus: Essential Leadership Skills
Introduction to Effective Leadership – Self Evaluation Leadership and Organizational Culture Visioning Political Skills Inspiration Analytical ability Decision making Problem Solving Capacity to motivate Negotiation Skills Communication Networking internal/external customers

8 WCO Capacity Building Development Compendium

9 Fellowship Programme to enable mid-management officials from the Customs administrations of developing countries to make an in-depth study of the Conventions, instruments and recommendations of the WCO to increase their international experience to establish important international networks for the participants to contribute to change management process in one particular Customs area.

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