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Modern Honey Net An Introduction.

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1 Modern Honey Net An Introduction

2 Why? Why not? Capture Malware for study. See what “attackers” do.
Education. Target specific type of attacker – Thinkst Canary is an example.

3 What Honeypot? What traffic you’re trying to capture will of course determine the type of honeypot. Kippo / Cowrie – SSH Honeypot Wordpot – Wordpress Honeypot Suricata IDS/IPS (not a honeypot) Conpot – SCADA/ICS Honeypot Glastoph – WebApp Honeypot

4 What Honeypot? What or Who are trying to attract? Specific Attackers?
Just listening for scans/attacks? Malware collection?

5 Modern Honey Net? Unified interface for managing multiple Honeypots.
Aggregates lots of data from sensors. Provides a nice method of installing new sensors.

6 My Honeynet Digital Ocean Droplets - $5usd/m 512mb RAM

7 Modern Honey Net - Install
Requires Ubuntu – Trusty Tahr MHN did not install on Ubuntu 16 Installs all dependencies automatically, including Nginx and other Python deps.

8 Overview - Cowrie Cowrie is a port of an older SSH Honeypot, Kippo.
Written in Python. It offers a full shell environment for attackers to interact with. Attackers login and access it just as they would a regular SSH daemon/Bash shell. Uploaded malware is stored safely for later inspection. Configurable for Username/Password combos that will be accepted.

9 Sensor Install - Cowrie
Access “Deploy” menu item. Select Cowrie. Copy command & execute on sensor VM. Shows script content in same window.

10 Cowrie - Sensor Install
Install script reconfigures SSH daemon to listen on TCP 2222 Cowrie takes over TCP 22 Reboot & get pwned!

11 Cowrie - Sensor Install
There is a couple of minor ‘gotchas’. Script misses a couple of dependencies, connections and transfers fail without them. Install ‘python-tftpy’ and ‘python-configparser’. Restart ‘supervisord’ or reboot; I needed to reboot as ‘supervisord’ did not restart correctly.

12 Cowrie - Operation Logs Usernames/Passwords entered Popular Usernames:

13 Cowrie - Operation Popular Passwords:

14 Cowrie - Malware Uploaded to /opt/cowrie/dl Files SHA256 Hashed.
Symlinked from individual attacks. 28,283 Attacks in under 7 days. 2000+ Malware binaries uploaded to Cowrie. Happy to provide a zip if anyone wants to reverse engineer any of the malware.

15 Cowrie – Malware - VirusTotal
Checked a few hashes, none were new. Randomly grabbed one hash, submitted to VirusTotal. Hash not found… Wait, is this new malware!? Submitted, New to VirusTotal, but 29 out of 55 AV vendors were aware of the signature. Future: Planning to automate submissions to VT using their API.

16 Cowrie – Malware Running strings on any of the binaries returns typical IRC commands. Most appear to simply be botnet drones. One example Python script uploaded uses requests to determine speed of the server and reports back.

17 Cowrie – Malware - Downloader

18 Wordpot Wordpress Honeypot. Uses real Wordpress themes.
Captures scans against the system and logs them.

19 Wordpot So far… Running just under 7 days.
Only 2 scans, Both tests from my Kali VM! More investigation needed – may need more configuration.

20 Conclusion Modern Honey Net is simple to setup and operate.
Sensors are very simple to setup and operate. It appears almost all connections are from automated bots. Interesting to see the interactions.

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