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Social Media in Advertisement Brahagan Arevalo

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1 Social Media in Advertisement Brahagan Arevalo

2 Introduction The use of social media by companies is an emerging trend that enables such firms to further their market presence so as to reach more customers. Since different people, the potential clients, chat on social media, companies should embrace effective social media marketing plans and continually have their presence on the web. A correct implementation of social media advertising would translate into remarkable business success. Brahagan Arevalo

3 Definition of Social Media Marketing
A form of internet marketing Uses various social media platforms to communicate with customers Activities include sharing, contents, images and videos for marketing dedications Entails some paid social media advertising Brahagan Arevalo

4 Contribution of Social Media Advertising
Create conversation among potential customers Increase the web traffic Enables brand identity with the possibility of brand association Improve communication and interaction with the key customers Brahagan Arevalo

5 Best Social Media Advertising Platforms
Facebook: allows sharing links and videos to your ad YouTube: video sharing in few minutes Twitter: taking advantages of trending topics Instagram: as it allows photo sharing LinkedIn: targets professionals Brahagan Arevalo

6 Considerations for choosing Social Media Platform
Why is the social media relevant? Are there any unique features for consideration? Will the media reach any potential customers? The different formats that the chosen channel supports and if they are in line with the intention of the firm The pricing on advertising on the platform The trends in a given media and how it might benefit the platform Brahagan Arevalo

7 Social Media Marketing Tips
Prior planning which involves searching for the major words and brainstorming Captivating content Brand imaging consistency Sharing links to the company website Track competitors Brahagan Arevalo

8 Paid Social Media Highly cost effective means of reaching customers
Reaches huge audience Focuses on a given type of customers Brahagan Arevalo

9 Advantages of Social Media Advertising
Video posting and content capabilities Small advertising budget Existence of social media shopping Reaches large audience Free media creation Sharing capabilities Brahagan Arevalo

10 Disadvantages of Social Media Ads
Requires knowledge of the product to update the status Disgruntled customers posts negative comments on the product Viral negative publicity Virus and malware brand hijacking Brahagan Arevalo

11 Management of a Company’s Social Media Advertising
Setting concrete goals Have a social team Set guidelines Any marketing department should approach social media as a valuable marketing tool that if not correctly manages has some negative consequences. The management of social media for any company should spot the differences from personal and business account. To achieve the following, the marketing department must set concrete goals, have a social media team and set guidelines for the group.

12 Ethical Social Media Advertising
Know the targeted audience Do not compromise the company privacy Avoid biases like religious, political and cultural point of view Think carefully before posting Speak the truth Brahagan Arevalo

13 Conclusion Positive brand imaging
Needs experienced social media managers Has negative consequences if not managed well Cheap and reaches required audience Social media has become a dominant force in any given sector of a company as seen in this case of advertising. Implementation of these social media platforms in advertising gives firms mileage over their competition. The marketing department, on the other hand, must consider some facts as shown in the above slides.

14 References Evans, D., & McKee, J. (2010). Social media marketing: The next generation of business engagement. Indianapolis, Ind: Wiley Pub. Funk, T. (2013). Advanced social media marketing: How to lead, launch, and manage a successful social media program. New York: Apress.

15 Appendix

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