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Thinking about offering Algebraic Literacy? So are we!

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking about offering Algebraic Literacy? So are we!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking about offering Algebraic Literacy? So are we!
Brian Mercer Dave Sobecki

2 Old Course Sequence Some bs about the journey math has been on in the last 6 years…

3 Lib Arts Math or Intro to Stat College Algebra or Pre-Calculus
Old Course Sequence Pre-Algebra Beginning Algebra Intermediate Algebra Lib Arts Math or Intro to Stat College Algebra or Pre-Calculus

4 Lib Arts Math or Intro to Stat College Algebra or Pre-Calculus
Old Course Sequence Pre- Calculus Lib Arts Math or Intro to Stat College Algebra or Pre-Calculus

5 Course Sequence – First Revision
Pre-Algebra Math Literacy Lib Arts Math or Intro to Stat Beginning Algebra Intermediate Algebra College Algebra or Pre-Calculus

6 Course Sequence – Current Version
Pre-Algebra Math Literacy Lib Arts Math or Intro to Stat Intermediate Algebra College Algebra or Pre-Calculus

7 Course Sequence – Next Version
Pre-Algebra Math Literacy QR or Intro to Stat Algebraic Literacy College Algebra or Pre-Calculus


9 Mathematical Literacy
Topics chosen to prepare students for General Education Mathematics and Statistics, and life Numeracy, functions, data analysis Reading, writing, technology Group-based problem-solving pedagogy

10 Math Literacy Goals Alternate but still challenging path
Math in context Develop critical thinking Create a more engaging classroom experience Trade algebra for understanding and critical thinking

11 A Traditional Classroom

12 A Math Literacy Classroom

13 Algebraic Literacy A better version of Intermediate Algebra STEM focus
Math in context with strong procedural support and practice Develop critical thinking Create a more engaging classroom experience Group-based problem-solving pedagogy?

14 Algebraic Literacy Goals
Numbers and Polynomials Functions Geometry and Trigonometry Modeling and Statistics

15 Sample Lessons First, a look at what makes math literacy math literacy

16 Sample Lessons

17 Sample Lessons

18 Sample Lessons

19 Sample Lessons Dunno. I hope so.
So can you really do the same thing with the topics Brian described for Algebraic Literacy? Dunno. I hope so.

20 Sample Lessons

21 Sample Lessons

22 Sample Lessons

23 Sample Lessons

24 Sample Lessons

25 Sample Lessons

26 Sample Lessons

27 Sample Lessons

28 Sample Lessons

29 Discussion Questions Are you considering offering and AL course?
What sort of obstacles are in place to prevent you from offering an AL course? What concerns do you have about offering AL?

30 Thank you! Brian Mercer Dave Sobecki
Student stories. Brian Mercer Dave Sobecki

31 The following slides might be used…

32 Productive Struggle Real problems don’t follow cookie-cutter patterns; they take work Take responsibility Persistence will pay off

33 Stick With It! “Too many initiatives have come and gone before someone stuck with them long enough to make them work.” -Hunter Boylan at NADE/AMATYC Summit 2016

34 Sell it! You must believe in the course and be confident to sell it to students. They still may not love it, but they’re more likely to suck it up and do it if they know you have thought out reasons.

35 We Have a Window of Opportunity!
More excitement and less fear AMATYC POSITION STATEMENT   “Prerequisite courses other than intermediate algebra can adequately prepare students for courses of study that do not lead to calculus.” I would have been (I was) one of the ones who would have poo-pooed the idea in my department. We can talk about lowering standards or we can talk about a more appropriate course. More and more people are in the camp of being excited for changes. We have the support of national organizations.

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