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It is a sunny happy day when you take a ride in your hot air balloon

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2 It is a sunny happy day when you take a ride in your hot air balloon
It is a sunny happy day when you take a ride in your hot air balloon. You decide to take three teacher friends with you and all is going well…. …All of a sudden there is a loud beeping noise. You look at the alarm on the gas canister and realise it is almost empty. For you to survive the flight and land safely someone must be thrown overboard! But who will it be?

3 Person One Has worked his whole life in the education system. Through careful research and testing he discovered a way to make it easier for pupils with learning problems to improve their literacy in all subjects. Person Three Has worked his whole life in schools. Whilst visiting schools in France he discovered a new way of teaching maths. It has really helped some pupils get better grades in his school! Person Two Has been a teacher all their life. They studied the work of Person One and built on it creating a new computer programme which has helped with pupils reading in their English lessons.

4 So who did you throw out and why?
Person One Has worked his whole life in the education system. Through careful research and testing he discovered a way to make it easier for pupils with learning problems to improve their literacy in all subjects. Person Three Has worked his whole life in schools. Whilst visiting schools in France he discovered a new way of teaching maths. It has really helped some pupils get better grades in his school! So who did you throw out and why? Person Two Has been a teacher all their life. They studied the work of person Two and built on it creating a new computer programme which has helped with pupils reading in their English lessons.

5 What is an iceberg question?

6 Chance was the most important factor in Louis Pasteur's experiments with Chicken Cholera.
Do you agree?

7 War has been the most important factor in developments made to disease and infection between Do you agree?

8 Robert Koch has been the most important individual in the fight against infectious diseases in the modern world Do you agree?

9 The Four Humours was the most important development in the fight against disease in the ancient world and middle era. Do you agree?

10 Galen is the individual who has had the most impact in the fight against disease and infection
Do you agree?

11 Improvements in science and technology were the most important factor leading to improvements in the Industrial Revolution. Do you agree?

12 The main reason the 4 Humours came back to Britain in the Middle ages was because of war.
Do you agree?

13 The main reason that the 4 humours was lost during the Dark Ages was because of chance.
Do you agree?

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