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panacea (n.) a cure-all Example:

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Presentation on theme: "panacea (n.) a cure-all Example:"— Presentation transcript:

1 panacea (n.) a cure-all Example:
Doctors wish there was a single panacea for every disease, but sadly there is not. Synonyms: elixir relief

2 malingerer (n.) one who feigns illness, one who
exaggerates symptoms of an illness (vb.) malinger Example: Malingerers should think twice before faking an injury because they can get sued. Synonyms: loafer idler

3 gape (vb.) to stare (openly) Example:
The students gaped as their idol entered the classroom.

4 gist (n.) real meaning; the main or the most important part of a matter Example: What was the gist of his speech? Synonyms: matter substance topic bottom line

5 fissure (n.) narrow opening Example:
Some cracks in old pipe can leak for decades causing large fissures running through the ground. Synonyms: rift split Break Crack crevice

6 Sepulcher [sep-uh l-ker]
(n.) tomb, grave, burial place Example: The dead bodies were put to rest in the sepulcher. Synonyms: necropolis mausoleum

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