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Historical Questions History = Inquiry

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1 Historical Questions History = Inquiry
Explain to students that questions are central to history. History comes from the Greek word ‘historia’ meaning inquiry (i.e. knowledge acquired by investigation).

2 ‘The outcome of any serious research can only be to make two questions grow where only one grew before.’ Thorsten Veblen

3 Key Question Important / Main / Primary Focus
Explain to students what a key question is: it’s the important question, the main question, the primary question. Sometimes known as the focus question.

4 What comprises a ‘good’ key question?
It focuses on a specific topic It has time and place boundaries It is expressed in a clear, concise and fluent manner

5 How is this a good key question?
What is the historical significance of Japanese Emperor Meiji ( )? It focuses on a specific topic historical significance of Emperor Meiji It has time and place boundaries Japan (Japanese) and It is expressed in a clear, concise and fluent manner

6 Sub Questions Why? What? How?
Explain to students sub-questions are like the tags for your key question

7 Sub-questions – why? Sub-questions assist in breaking down and exploring more fully your task question. Sub-questions test whether you really understand the task question that you have framed.

8 Sub-questions – what about them?
Sub-questions need to be developed from the task question; they should not pose another task question. Some sub-questions will be rejected and others will be added as your research progresses. Sub-questions are useful in providing categories to structure your research notes. Sub-questions may, in some instances, help provide the structure for your final submission. Only one question is addressed when drafting your final response – your task question.

9 Sub-questions – how? Task question example: What is the historical significance of Japanese Emperor Meiji ( )? Sub question examples: Who was Emperor Meiji? What key influences / circumstances shaped Meiji’s life? What power / authority did he wield as emperor? What significant achievements were accomplished by Emperor Meiji? How is this historically significant?

10 Now it’s your turn Go to where you have written up the headings (“Definitions”; “Who, What, When, Where”; Why, How) and write your Sub questions in the space provided. Remember they need to help break down your task question

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